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I played with the ring on my finger as I held the bouquet of flowers. I looked down the aisle and smiled widely as I stepped slowly, one foot after the other. I smiled at my friends and slightly waved to my mom at the front. I finally looked at him and gave him a heartfelt smile. I was happy to be here today, I was excited.

I arrived at the front of the chapel and stepped to the side. I raised my chin as I watched my sister walk down the aisle, her arm linked with dads. I looked up as I felt my eyes water. I kept my eyes locked on the ceiling in a means to dry my eyes, I fiddled with the ring like I always had and his memories flooded my mind.

My heartbeat quickened at the thought of him standing and waiting for me as I walked down the aisle, our eyes locking on our face as we took in the thought of it happening. I felt my eyes water once more as the reality that this will never happen hit me, my only hope in seeing him again was through pictures; my only hope in embracing him again was when we meet once again, but not here, not now, maybe later.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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