"Now then," said Ana, "would you like a cup of tea?"

Bronwyn nodded gratefully, anxious to settle her stomach and relented, sinking into a well-upholstered chair. Seth chose the chair beside her.

Ana rang a small bell on a table. A moment later, a maid entered with a tray of tea and cakes. She poured three cups of tea, added sugar and cream and handed one to Bronwyn. The steam rose from the cup, mildly spicy and invigorating. Bronwyn sniffed appreciatively and took a sip.

"So the King sent you an important missive and the Conclave wants to make sure it never sees the light of day," said Ana, perching on the edge of a settee. "Who did he name? No. Don't tell me. I'd rather not know. The old man was ever a prankster, likely he has left the entire lot to his nephew. Not that that would be much of an inheritance, what with the barons arguing and the Conclave meddling in everything they shouldn't." She took a sip of tea and fixed Bronwyn with a searching look over the top of her spectacles. "You're a bright one. You know this tournament is a sham. The formation is being set and the players have begun their reel. My question is, what will you do with your position in this dance?"

Bronwyn blinked. Seth coughed and snorted, hacking as if his tea had gone down the wrong way. He recovered quickly.

Ana watched him over her teacup, her expression careful. "Do take care, Master Seth, Lady Bronwyn. Don't trouble yourself with answering. I must be off now. Always so much to do, taking care of Himself. I'll leave you in peace. Your rooms will be ready shortly. " She stood and curtsied formally, then strode from the room, skirts swishing purposefully on the carpets.

"That woman is no housekeeper," Bronwyn said, mystified.

Seth laughed shortly. "Indeed not. She was a member of the Arcanum Bindery before she retired. Master Terre's second cousin, once removed, I believe. Like a sister to him. She rules his house with a quick wit and sharp tongue. Says he has no head for such. They have been close since childhood. No doubt the Master told her about us. Tabor worried something like this might happen."

Bronwyn nodded, thoughtful.

"You think it best we stay in the city? Won't the Conclave come for me here?"

Seth shook his head. "I think not. We've side-stepped by coming to a Bindery Master. If we run, we could be taken on the road without witnesses. They can't very well just come charging into this House, even under Modric's orders, without showing their hand. Your uncle's estate burning is one thing. That alone will have the city talking. Rumors already have the next king a puppet to the Arcantor. They won't risk another show of force openly. I'll escort you from now on, milady and see to your safety. But be careful of your food and drink outside this manse. I fear they may try poison ...or worse. "


Bronwyn and Seth were settled into their rooms with military efficiency. Bronwyn took the opportunity to wash, finding a clean suitable evening dress in her size lying on her bed. She sat at her dressing table, brushing her hair and looked out the window to the garden. The view was breathtaking. It held a small labyrinth and several varieties of roses she had never seen. A small fountain gurgled next to ivy covered walls. Seeing no sign of Seth, she returned to the study and settled into the most comfortable couch to read poetry. Later, she rattled about, exploring the labyrinth. She dined alone in her small parlor, then resumed her reading. She was almost ready to retire for the evening when the Master appeared.

Sondheim Terre ran his fingers through his tousled grey hair and strode into the study with his arms wide, ignoring all formalities. "Lady Bronwyn Demitri, welcome, welcome."

She stood to greet him and was wrapped in a fierce embrace. He pulled back but did not release her, instead searching her face. "You're just as Tabor described you. Prettier. I'm very sorry you had to shelter here but I trust Ana has taken care of you?"

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