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Dane murmured an apology to Bell. "I'll be right back," he said.

"I'll be waiting," she said. Her eyes laughed at him. Dane reluctantly followed Theo to Léonin and Tal. The majisters were engaged in animated coversation with the Wyn.

"...need to recover the refrains. Then we can see about your Quickening. As the Cyntae are released, you should be able to have your quickening ceremony again," said Léonin. "These are the men who will make it happen." The old Majister waved a hand at Theo and Dane, including them in the conversation. "Dane and Theo will be departing soon on their grand quest."

"Yes," said Theo. "We hoped you both might join us."

M'ra's eyes grew blank and she cocked her head, as if listening. She shook her head, her expression sad.

"I regret we will not be able to go with you. We are both needed back at the aerie. We might be able to send someone to you, to meet with you as you journey and assist you from there. But all Wyn shall be recalled for the time being," she said. "I am sorry."

"Indeed," said N'khum. "Even now we should be on our way." His face, normally calm, looked tight with anxiety.

"Where shall you go first?" asked M'ra.

Theo glanced at Dane and then at Léonin, before answering. "We must visit the Draig first, my lady."

M'ra bowed her head. My position as eldest is being challenged. G'der has attempted to usurp my place. We must go. I will find you when it is safe. The words were spoken directly to Dane's mind. He nodded at M'ra in understanding.

"Go with the Song, child of the morning," Dane said. "May the Storm King give you favor."

"Keep Zonah with you," said N'khum. "She will be as a beacon to us. We shall find you easily if she is with you."

Dane nodded, looking around for the tall Pryf. He didn't see her, but she must be nearby.
"We must go, N'khum," said M'ra.

With that, the two Wyn turned and disappeared into the city.

Dane watched them go, fear beginning to form like knot in his belly. Where are the Draig? How far must we travel? He wished heartily Sara could be with them. She could transform a watcher and carry him to where he needed to be. But she was at home now, and his need was not so great that he would summon her. Not yet, he thought.

"That is unfortunate," said Tal, softly.

"Unfortunate indeed," agreed Theo. "But it can't be helped, I'm sure. The Wyn have always been helpful to us. If they cannot now, it is for good reason."

Dane didn't offer what M'ra had said to him. There was a reason but she had spoken only to him. He was sure of it. He would keep her secret.

"We will travel more slowly, but we shall still get there," he said. "It will be all right."

"Indeed," said Theo. "Plus 'twill give me more time to train you in the Song. Speaking of which, Majister Léonin? Could I have a word in private?"

"Of course," said Léonin.

The two majisters walked away from Tal and Dane. Tal eyed Theo speculatively.

"He's probably going to ask about Bell," said Dane. "My girlfriend. She's a dewin but cannot hear the Song. He's going to ask if she can come with us."

Tal ran one hand through his hair. His green eyes had wrinkles at the corners from smiling, and his temples were white, though the rest of his hair was a golden-red color. "And do you think that is wise?" he asked.

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