Lexicon + Map

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Aerie: pronounced [AIR-ee], villages of the Chymaera, forbidden to other races to enter; usually on top of mountains or trees, named by its sigil

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Aerie: pronounced [AIR-ee], villages of the Chymaera, forbidden to other races to enter; usually on top of mountains or trees, named by its sigil

Anach: pronounced [Ay-nack], the ancient citadel of the Majesterium

Apokrypha: the sacred writings of the Conclave

Arc: the Moon, it didn't exist before the War of the Wyrm. The Wyrm is said to be imprisoned within it. For this reason it is sometimes called "The Wyrm's Eye."

Edited: I realized I had a wrong/confusing fact in here and removed it. The moon does wax and wane like ours. It just always contains an arc shape within it as well. (Like our man in the moon)

Arcanum: the teaching of the Conclave regarding the Song

Canard: a world within an alternate universe that all Earthlings visit when they dream. Those attuned to the Song on Canard can see these dreamers, and refer to them as fae.

canting: usually a singsong chant that imparts some effect on the person encanted. Also used in the Camber services to strengthen the Song and support the Cyntae.

Camber: Conclave worship services. The general population attends once a week on Moonday. There are services twice a day, every day.

Cantors: the priests of the Conclave

Caprice: pronounced [ Kah-prees], mysterious oracles in Siarad

Chymaera: pronounced [ ky-MEER-ah], elusive race of shape-changing humanoids bound to the Song

Cogniscenti: a mysterious ancient secret society, rumored to be the real group running the world from behind the scenes. Conspiracy theorists claim it includes many celebrities, artists, scientists and world leaders.

Communion: speaking heart to heart, directly sharing thoughts and emotional states psychically. This is considered insulting if forced, as you are questioning the honesty of the one you demand to commune with. It is very intimate and an honor shared with those you deeply trust or consider family otherwise.

Conclave: ruling religious order founded by the Arcantor, Modric. He was the last Majister. The only Majister remaining after the War of the Wyrm

Cyntae: pronounced [ Seen-tay], the First Ones, immortal protectors. First beings to be made by the Creator, their voices joined with His to begin the Song. The Conclave teaches that when the Storm King sacrificed himself, the Cyntae took over sustaining the Song. They need support in this which the Conclave provides with their endless canting.

Cyntaf: pronounced [SEEN-tov], one of the four sigils of the Chymaera

deema: pronounced [deem-ah], term of endearment, title for a gnomic guardian

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