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The monster slavered, its massive maw roaring with Dissonance that set Dane's teeth on edge. He was instantly alert, though unsure of what to do. He remembered Theo's words from the day before and asked the Storm King. What do I do?

The afanc, for that is what it was, advanced toward the bridge. It looked much like a huge massive toad, with teeth. Slimy and dangerous, it sniffed as it drew nearer to Bell and Jax. Dane stopped in the middle of the bridge and closed his eyes, listening intently.

Please, help me. He wasn't too proud to beg. He threw his panic the Storm King's way. It wasn't like He didn't know about Dane's panic. No sense in trying to hide it. He listened, focusing on his own breathing and ignoring events around him.

And Sara was there. She wasn't solid. She didn't flicker though, like a fae. She simply floated in front of him, singing. The song was not one Dane knew. The melody was one he had never heard before, strident and resolute, like an army marching. She sang the words with all her heart and fixed her gaze on the afanc, her expression stern.

He is coming like the glory of the morning on the wave,
He is Wisdom to the mighty, He is Succour to the brave,
So the world shall be His footstool,
and the soul of Time His slave,
Our King is marching on.

The afanc's reaction when it first heard the faisant's song was to send up a wordless scream of agony. It turned toward Dane and made its way inexorably forward, coming for him. Sara kept singing and the creature simply melted before her Song. In the time it took Sara to sing one verse, the monster's face had partially melted away.

There was nothing wrong however, with the afanc's hands. It swept the bridge, knocking against Dane's legs in an attempt to bring him down. Dane fell. He hooked his staff around the edge of the rail and hung on. The creature had hold of his robe now and was pulling him. He dragged Dane toward himself. Dane's fingers slipped on his staff. He was pulled to the edge of the bridge and grabbed the rail there, hanging on for dear life.

Sara took a deep breath and began again. Her voice rose over the lake, like an eagle. The song captivated all who heard.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.

The afanc's mouth, teeth and body melted away as if it were an icicle in a rainstorm. Soon it was simply gone. Sara disappeared with the afanc as suddenly as she had appeared.

Dane pulled himself up over the edge of the bridge, panting. He turned to Bell and Jax, who hovered, face concerned.

"Are you all right?" Dane asked.

Bell nodded and hugged him, clinging tightly for a moment. Jax cleared his throat and they separated.

"Shadowborn shouldn't be here. You need to report this at once, Dane," Jax said. "They shouldn't even be able to exist within the city limits. It's like Zonah said earlier. Where the Dread used to be is a wall of Song. Very peculiar."

Dane nooded. "Perhaps the ambient Song's presence affected the shadowborn, melting it and not the Song which Sara sang."

Jax shook his head, "Nay lad, 'twas her Song which melted the beastie. The ambient Song might have sped the process, but 'twas not enough to hold it back completely. You will need to report it. The majisters need to know and to be on guard."

When they finally reached the shelter of Dane's rooms, Bell gasped and exclaimed in wonder.
"It's exactly like your cottage! How? I love it."

Dane smiled. "I thought you would like it. Chance and Pezzik are here as well. Peziik helped the majisters create the rooms."

"Amazing," said Bell. Her eyes widened as she turned around and around, inspecting everything.
Chance came in, tail wagging. He was followed by Pezzik who made a beeline straight for Bell. Bell knelt as Pezzik embraced her enthusiastically. "So good to see you dear!" Pezzik turned to Jax. " glad you're here."

"Bell and Jax will need a place to sleep, Pezzik," said Dane. "I thought we could let them stay here?"

"Of course," said Pezzik. "I'll ready the guest rooms. Bell, come with me. I will get you settled. You'll need some clothes and a bath..."

Bell followed Pezzik down the hall while Dane found a chair to flop into. Jax took a stool by the fire and Chance took up a place next to him. Jax absently patted the dog. Jax's voice buzzed unpleasantly when he spoke, but Dane could tolerate it.

"So you're going to work with Bell and discover why she cannot hear the Song, lad? 'Twill be a thorny problem. I don't envy you. I've wondered myself for years, though I've been happy she couldn't, truth be told. 'Tis saved me much heartache."

"Yes and she will come with us on our trip to recover the refrain from the Draig. You are invited as well. You and Zonah."

Jax nodded, his small face inscrutable. "We leave in the morn. I know. I heard." He tapped the side of his nose. "I thought we would be all right on our journey. 'Tisn't far. But after seeing the afanc today now I wonder. You need to report the incident. Right away. Don't worry about me. I'll find some pie and take a nap. "

"All right. I'll be back shortly. Tell Pezzik where I've gone."

Dane slipped into the hallway and made his way down the corridor to the corridor's map Theo had shown him earlier. He was staring at it, trying to get his bearings, when Tal rounded a corner, nearly bumping into him.

"Tal!" said Dane. "I was just coming to see you. I had a problem on the way back here from the village and thought I should let someone know."

Tal stopped and looked at Dane, his eyes lighting with curiosity. "Of course. My office is this way, we can talk there." He led Dane down two short corridors and into a spacious office. It was filled with shelves containing all manner of esoteric paraphernalia, a battered desk and cozy leather chairs. A small dragon's skeleton hung from the ceiling, wings splayed. "I'm not as neat as some of my brothers, I apologize," he said with a smile, settling behind the large desk. He gestured to the chair in front of the desk, indicating Dane should sit. "By all means, what happened?"

"We were attacked by an afanc as we crossed the bridge to return here," said Dane.

Tal's brow wrinkled. His eyes hardened as he took in this news. "What did you do?"

"I asked the Storm King for help!" Dane said. "Sara, my faisant appeared. She was given a Song, and the afanc melted. Then she disappeared as well."

Tal nodded. "'Your faisant will show up when you need her most. You will get used to it. The melting...Tis what happens with the shadowborn when they come in contact with the Song. You did well. But my question is ...why one was here at all? It should not have been able to get past our shield around the village. I must alert the others. There may be more of them."

"Perhaps it was already here, when the Dread dissipated? It may have been trying to escape?" asked Dane.

Tal was quiet for a long moment. He finally said, "Perhaps. Thank you for letting me know." His smile was a sudden light, flashing. "Come to the main hall tonight, after dinner. We shall instruct you regarding mission to the Draig. Bring your friends."

Dane nodded and stood. He gave the majister a short bow and took his leave, his thoughts whirling.

How many shadowborn remained in the village?

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