Not yours

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Realizing that we only have 3 minutes of class left, I decide to go to lunch early. Sometimes I wish that I could just go back to the past, to prevent things from happening, to relive the moments that make my life bearable, and to warn myself before I do something stupid. But I guess life is continuous and can never stop.

"Hey why you looking glum?" I look up to see Chelsey, we aren't to close like me and Vanessa but she is still a good friend, "oh just the fact that alpha jerk is my partner" I say with such a smile that if anyone else were to ear they would think that I was happy about it, both my friends could only mutter an 'oh' before we changed the topic to who had better hair, Ross lynch or Niall horan.

"Niall obviously has the best hair, not to mention his a adorable acc-" Vanessa's eyes soon popped out of her head as she mumbled the last part of her sentence. She started at something behind me. Looking back behind me a see a certain pair of green eyes watching me and coming closer every second.

A hand grabs me, sending shocks up my body, before I can react i am dragged out to the hallway. He looks at me with his gorgeous eyes and I can here my wolf purring. He comes closer, an closer, to the point were only a inch of space is between us. I feel my wolf begging for control, he leans in, but before he can come any further I shove him back into the lockers with all of my power. "What the heck Kaylynn?!!?" He screams, "are you insane?"

"Oh you finally learnt my name? It's about time, I thought after you found out I was your mate that you would bother learning me name! Don't you ever come near me again or I swear I will make your life a living hell!!"

I guess he lost it because next thing I know I'm backed up against the lockers

"I'm an the alpha and you will respect me!" His voice boomed down the hallway, his eyes turning into a dangerous golden brown, loosing control now aren't we? "You are mine and only mine! You will not flirt with other guys or show yourself to them, your body is mine, your voice is mine, and you are mine"

Okay he just crossed the line

Grabbing his shirt collar, I smell his amazing scent breathing It in before I regain control of my wolf, "you will never talk to me like that again, I'm am nobody's. You do not own me." I smirk at the part I'm about say next, "do you regret rejecting me now alpha?" I sashay me hips to add effect as wal-no as I strutted away from the one I use to call my mate

Rejecting Mr.AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now