Shakespeare - Logince

Start from the beginning

Logan was so obviously flustered. His face beat red, glasses practically fogging up, trying desperately to remain rock steady on the surface while his insides trembled and churned. His resistance only led to his voice violently shaking when he tried to speak.

"Um, well, um, I-I'm glad that," he coughed to try and regain his composure, "I'm glad that I remind you of... of something so, um... something..." he kept averting his eyes from Roman's gaze, trying to push himself out of his grasp, "something so meaningful to you." Logan couldn't seem to stop blinking as Roman leaned in closer, their hair blending together as their foreheads almost touched.

Roman couldn't help but grin at how much his usually stoic friend was struggling to keep his composure. He couldn't help but love it.

"Well, you're meaningful to me." Roman almost chuckled at the way Logan blinked hard, focusing on how to keep breathing properly. "Y'know, you're much more of a romantic than you let on."

"Why the tone of surprise?" Logan's question came with a twitch of is brow, his eyebrow arching for a millisecond before settling back down. That single arch was something that gave Roman a feeling he both loved and hated.

"You arch that eyebrow at me again..." Roman trailed off, unable to finish his thought.

"Shouldn't we be getting back to the others?"

"They can wait." Logan finally locked eyes with Roman, his eyebrow arched again, curious as to what Roman meant. How that one minuscule gesture could make him lose control, Roman would never understand "Damn it." The curse barely escaped him before his lips collided with Logan's, moving desperately against his stunned stillness. Roman's fingers tangled in Logan's hair, his other hand still holding the small of his back to keep him from falling back.

Pulling away, Roman opened his eyes to find Logan staring at him like a deer in the headlights, wide eyes sparkling and chest heaving in an attempt to recapture his breath. Roman couldn't seem to catch his breath either.

"What," Logan breathed, the word almost lost in his exhale, "what was that?"

For once, Roman wasn't sure what to say. He'd been wanting to do that for so long, he hadn't thought of what might happen after.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire;" the lines from Hamlet slid from Roman's tongue effortlessly. "Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love." Pressing their foreheads together, Roman closed his eyes as Logan's brain went into overdrive.

That last word, that simple word that he'd come across so many times was suddenly foreign to Logan. It carried so much weight, and yet it made Logan feel lighter than air. Rolling off Roman's tongue, it was suddenly so much more than a dangerous combination of chemicals in the brain. It was more than a descriptor, a synonym for "like."

It was so much more that it engulfed him.

"Can you do it again?" Roman huffed a breath, grinning at the request, pulling back enough to grin at Logan.

"You mean it?"

"Shut up and do it again." Logan moaned breathlessly against Roman's lips, this time melting into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Roman to help close the space between them. Roman smiled as Logan kissed back, his heart singing as his dreams were brought to life, the result even more amazing than he'd imagined it to be.

Their movements, the feelings making Logan's mind go numb, the waterfall of new sensations sent tremors through his body as he gripped at Roman's back and shoulders and hair, his hands moving of their own accord. Now wasn't the time to tell Roman he was Logan's first. It might never be the right time for that, but that didn't matter. Time escaped them, past and future became irrelevant, all that existed was them and their present moment and every last sensation they could get of each other.

Logan reveled in the perfect first kiss that left him forgetting how to breathe.

"We should get back to the others," Logan sighed when Roman pulled away, burying his face in the crook of Logan's neck. "They'll be wondering where we are."

"I'm sure they'll be fine," Roman offered. Logan shivered against the soft kiss planted on his neck.

"Really, Roman," he insisted, still breathless. "We'll have plenty of time to pick up where we left off later." Roman groaned disapprovingly into Logan's neck before pulling away.

"You're right, as usual." Straightening his back, Roman pulled Logan back to where he could stand on his own, but neither of them released their grip on the other.

"I promise," Logan muttered as he kissed Roman's cheek, "we'll pick up right here when we're done."

"I'm gonna hold you to that."

"I expect no less." When Logan pulled out of his grasp, Roman felt like he'd had a platter of food taken from him while he was starving. The nerd was a damn snack and he didn't even seem to know it.

Watching Logan intently as he grabbed his things and started up the stairs, Roman had to stop himself from smirking at his plans to satiate his hunger later that night.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2018 ⏰

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