Allison Is A Ninja

Start from the beginning

I look at Stiles. We can't really rule out anything in this town. 

Scott lets out a sigh. "That's a good point, too." Scott replies. 

"I don't care, all right? They killed that kid. They killed the girl that saved me. And I'm gonna kill them, too." Isaac relents and marches off. I don't like this Isaac has no chance taking on two Alphas. Scott and I share a look. This is not going to end well for Isaac.


I change quickly into my red plaid shirt with a plain black spaghetti strap tank top with medium wash jeans and black high tops and head to French.

I was sitting in my French class in front of Allison, I dozing off because of being up late chasing werewolves.

My hand was barely keeping my head up. 

My scar starting burning. "Damn." I whispered shouted.

It then started burning at the top of my spine right where Derek's tattoo would be. Like a hot pain running down my spine. I clenched my fist to stop from making a louder noise. Then right in the center of my stomach it felt like I was just stabbed. "Ahh." I made a shrieking noise which had the whole class looking at me and Allison shot up from sleeping in front of me.

 "Mademoiselles Argent? Es-tu fatiguee?" Ms. Morrell asked us.

 "Sorry." Allison and I say in unison. The bell rang and everyone left but Allison and I. 

Mrs. Morrell sat in the seat next to Allison. "You're both starting to concern me. Maybe we should chat in the guidance office sometime." She says, but I don't buy into her nice act, not since she tried to fight me.

 "Or maybe you should tell us what you were doing at the bank the other night." Allison sasses. Go Alli.

"I agree, I would also like my dagger back." I cut in.

"Maybe you should tell me what you were doing there." Ms. Morrell retorts. 

Allison and I keep our face blank. 

"Looks like we have a situation here. Tell you what, one of you give me the French word for it that's the same in English, and you both can avoid lunch time detention." Allison and I share a look. I'm too tired and too sore to think. 

"Impasse." She answers, when we couldn't.  Great we have freaking Detention.


The pain right in the middle of my stomach is getting worse. I almost scream from the pain. I run into the bathroom which is more like me stumbling into the sink. I look in the mirror and my noise is bleeding. My vision becomes blurry and I almost collapse. What is wrong with me?

My eyes burn. My necklace is dangling around my neck. I try to focus on it anything to get my mind off the pain, long enough so I can take care of my noise. Just think about Derek. I say in my head just Derek. Think about Derek. I think about how his hand feels in mine and how his eyes looked into mine when he wanted to kiss. I grip the sink tightly until the pain diminishes slightly.  It works some, long enough. But the pain is still intense. I can stop my noise from bleeding. I wipe my noise and head to lunch Detention.

 I sit down next to Allison who is behind Isaac. He turns around when I sit down his eyes get wide and then he slowly just turns back around.

        This just got awkward.

Harris starts handing out assignments. "The two of you will wash all the boards in this hall." He says while pointing to Cody and Troy. "Re shelving the library." He says to Keddren and Kenzie. He usually does pairs but since there is only three left he is forced to put me Allison and Isaac in a group. "Restocking the janitor's closet."

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