*14* Save Me! (part 2)

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Above is the song called, "Hero by: Skillet."

Spring's POV

I took Goldie to the E.R to know that nothing was wrong. That is all the nurses, and doctors can see, but I knew something isn't right. I ask quietly, "Hey...my golden bear are you ok?" He doesn't say a word, nor does he shake his head. 'Something isn't right here, and I know it.' I thought to myself. I ask again while walking out the E.R, "Hey...at least speak to me, Fredbear. Please!" He glanced at me with a cold, hard stare. I don't know why though... 'Crap! I called him, Fredbear.' I thought to myself. "Sorry...I...was just mad that is all." I shyly said. He looked away with his gray ocean eyes. 'Why won't he talk to me?' I thought worriedly.

Goldie's POV

'Why can't I speak?!?! It makes no sense! Why? "Why" is all that I can ask myself? I don't know the answer to it...I just want to speak again...I would do anything to tell Spring I love him...I would..,no joke.' I thought while have tears run down my cheeks. I could tell that Spring was worried...really worried. He sadly said, "Goldie, what is wrong? If it is hard for you to tell me please...just tell me. I will never tell anyone, I promise." He pulled me into a tight hug, and everyone on the street looked at us...we didn't care what they thought of us. We stayed like this for almost half an hour...more than that I think.

Nightmare's POV

Me & everyone else was walking back towards Mangle's "Prison of No Escape" as I call it. I could tell that Foxy was worried for Bonnie...honestly I was too. Mangle.... I have never seen her like a psychic person before. I wonder what made her.... "Bonnie & Foxy," I said under my breathe quietly. Nightmare Fredbear must have hear me, because he answers, "Yeah...that is probably why." I nodded my head with a piece of my black hair covered my red eyes. I pushed it back, and Nightmare Foxy says, "Look we're back, maties & lassies." I turned around, so that I could see everyone. I asked, "Are y'all ready to go inside?" Everyone noddd their heads. After that, we all started walking again to hear a gruesome scream coming from inside the building. We all started running, now with Nightmare Foxy & Foxy in the lead with there fast speed. Everyone else was behind me & Nightmare Fredbear.

Mangle's POV

"Stop this madness, Mangle! If you want Foxy to love you, he will never!" Yelled Bonnie. "Well... I could easily get rid of YOU!" I calmly, then at the end I yelled. I then stabbed him in his right side this time, and he screamed, which was needed for my torture of pain...I love it. I want people to see what I was put through...without someone you love.., and they don't love you back. Also, I want "them" to feel my pain...mainly Foxy & Bonnie. Bonnie whisperd in pain, "You will...never understand anyone or no one will ever probably love you for what you have done...." "Whatever, Bunny. You think you know everything, and in reality you don't. So you can think whatever you think, Purple Bunny." I sternly told him. I heard a door creak open, so I turned away from the bunny , and walking out of the room.

Nightmare Foxy's POV

Now all of the mates & lassies where coming around the corner as me & The Cap' were leaving that same corner. "Cap'...I feel like we are just running around in one huge circle." I asked. Captain nodded his head, then answered, "Yeah.... I feel the same way." We both stopped running to allow everyone else to catch up with us. Nightmare asked, "What is wrong?" Foxy replies, "Me & Nightmare Foxy feel like we are running around in a huge circle." "That is because you ARE! Hahaha...hehehe!!!" I looked up to see Mangle with a knife... a long one in her hand with fresh blood on it. My ears layed on top of my head. She sweetly said, "Foxy, if you come with me...Bonnie will be safe...I promise. You of course have always been mine...forever." The Captain's red, fiery ears layed on his head, while his red hair covered his yellow eyes. The whole room was in silence, also it even sounded that some where holding their brethe. "ARE YOU GOING TO ANSWER ME!?!?! If not I will go get Bonnie out here, and kill him in front of you, Foxy dearly. I am not scared to." Mangle yelled then went soft. Cap' still didn't answer. I saw some tears rolling off his face. 'Cap' doesn't want neither of they chooses...he wants Bonnie to be safe & not be Mangle's lover.' I thought. She turned her back, and got Bonnie out of the "holding chamber", and Captain looked sad, angry, and ready to get rid of Mangle...forever. I stepped up, and said, "Mangle...

What did/does Nightmare Foxy say to Mangle? Find out in the next chapter of A Golden Heart. 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛

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