Chapter 8: The Dance

Start from the beginning

"Of course I don't"

"Then tell her that"

"Wait before we even go further, why did she say yes?"

"Well she and Harry have been talking a lot and she's convinced that he changed and her feelings came back for him.."


"Yea, Kevin I don't know what to do. I can see that he hasn't change and she'll just get hurt because he flirts with every girl in school"

"So you want me to do it?"


"Hmmmmm. What about this? We create a group chat and we'll both tell her. Sound good?"

"Ugh fine"

"Hey, don't give me that. Your the one that wanted to tell her. I'm just doing this so she won't get hurt. Let's go in now please, I don't want to waste my time talking about this."


"But hey, thanks for telling me"

"No problem"

As we walked in I saw all the guys sitting in the table and talking to Frank. I decide to go over there and I unexpectedly feel a tap on my shoulder. I look to see who tapped me, it was Anniya.

"Hey Kevin I need to tell you something" she said

I already knew what she was gonna say so I just told her to save her from her guilt.

"I already know, and you don't have to tell me. Your dating Harry, yes I know. And don't even worry about it, you don't need to tell me, I hope you guys have a good relationship." I said

She looked at me and had a upside look.

"Hey, don't worry about it. It's okay really, just go on with your night because if you keep bothering yourself about this then your just gonna ruin your prom" I said

I walked away and proceeded with the guys.

"Hey" I said

"Hey" they all responded

Frank came up to me.

"Hey bro, are you okay? I heard what happened" he said

"Ehh I guess, I don't really know what to do anymore. But I guess it's okay, she looks happy anyway"

He sighed. The Cupid shuffle just went on and I just want to forget what happened.

"Here, I don't want to ruin prom okay all of this is suppose to be fun and worry free so all of us let's go to the dance floor and do The Cupid Shuffle" I said to them

"Alright let's go"

We did the Cupid Shuffle and it's was fun. Jeremy fell on his ass doing the slide and Brandon was laughing his ass up on him.

I decide to go the restroom after. When I walked in I saw Harry using the urinal.

"Hay! Is Kevin, just the man I wanted to see!" He greeted

I walked and used the urinal beside him. After I was done I walked up to the sink and washed my hands.

"So, I'm dating Anniya" he said

"That's good, you guys look like you deserve each other" I said

"Thanks, I plan on keeping her"

"Okay, just don't her her please, just don't. She already been through a lot and to me it looks like your the one that's gonna end everything that's bad for her." I said

He already got the memo and I left the restroom.

I walked back in the gym and saw the Principal on the stage.

"Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! We are now gonna present King and Queen for Prom!" Said the Principal

There was a piece of paper in her hand showing the winners.

"For King... The winner is... Harry Sterling!!" He said

The crowd clapped and he went up the stage and put on his crown.

"And for Queen... The winner is... Anniya Watson!!" He said

The crowd roared and clapped. She went up to the stage and put on her crown.

"Okay time for the slow dance, DJ simmer the music down" said the Principal

I look at Harry and he reached out his hand to Anniya and they both started to slow dance.

The song that came up was All Of Me by John Legend.

I decide to look for the guys. Everyone of them asked someone to dance with except for Frank, he was all alone in the table. I decide to just sit with him because we are both loners.

"Hey, you alright?" I asked

"Nope, just sitting here watching her slow dance with another guy. What about you?" Frank said

"Same" I responded


"Here let's go get something to drink"


We walked to a snacks table and got a glass and filled it with some fruit punch. We just stood there and watched the people we loved just slow dance with their boyfriends.

"So you alright there?" A voice said to my right

I looked to see who it was and it was Christy.

"Nope" I said

"It's alright, we all go through that" she said

"Christy, can you just be the one tell her? It really isn't my job to do that, you know I just told her awhile ago that I hope she had a good relationship so you can just do it." I said

"Ugh. Alright fine" she said


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