The start

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As I said I will take the plot but not the way the original writer wrote it!

It is a dull day all grey outside as if it could rain any moment.... there she was sitting... Dreamingly in her own world... a girl from back called her...


Ragini Gadodia she is now 23 years old still the babydoll of her father Shekhar n the weakness of her brother Deep

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Ragini Gadodia she is now 23 years old still the babydoll of her father Shekhar n the weakness of her brother Deep.

The girl again. Ragini!!!

Ragini turns. What happen Neha?!.

Neha is Raginis best friend she knows her from childhood days...

Neha; black coffee or something new???

Ragini; smiles. Black coffee nothing new! My life is always staying like this a routine guided by my father n brother... I'm not allowed to take my decisions.

Neha; I was just talking abt the coffee not ur life situation as a prisoner...

Ragini shows her her tongue 👅.

Neha shook her head. She got the coffee for both of them.

Ragini; Neha... u help me na!! I want to break out!

Neha; u want what to break out? Of what?

Ragini; hmm u know in our age there have many people experiences even I want one or two! But as soon as a boy comes n start talking to me he get scared knowing abt my brother the business tycoon Deep. It is like there is a big scared crowed...

Neha - oh Ragini u r just to naive ur bro works with the underworld he had done many crimes! -.

Ragini was blabbering but Neha didn't response to her. Ragini stood up in anger. U r not even listening to me... Hm she huffed n leaves the coffee shop... her hot coffee in her hand in anger she didn't look n dumped into someone....

Ragini looked up to see the angry young man

Ragini didn't feared no she was losing herself

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Ragini didn't feared no she was losing herself...
She starts to talk to him but is was more a stammer... s... s... sorry!! She lowered her gaze...

RagLak - A Revengeful Love {S2 cancelled}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora