13// Check me in, Ostroff

Start from the beginning

Milly went to go visit her sister in Iowa for the week, mom allowed her to go saying she deserves it after watching over me while she was gone. Mom would have also invited Logan but with Logan comes his baggage, her words exactly. Baggage as in Fiona.

Fiona and my mother have not had contact with the ballet. It's Thanksgiving, and mom wants a peaceful dinner with no exceptions.

She and Steve made the whole dinner but I saw a few store-bought containers in the garbage. She claims this dinner was made from scratch and love, I don't why she won't admit it.

We are seated at the dining table, mom at the edge of the table and Steve across from me as we occupy the two seats beside mom.

"These mashed potatoes are heavenly. Aren't they, Lena?" Steve asks, a grin on his face.

"Yes." I respond as Steve's eye lay on me.

I sense something off, something unusual. My intuitive trait kicked in once we sat down and they served my food. I always serve my own food.

I dip a piece of turkey into cranberry sauce before putting it in my mouth. I look up to catch both mom and Steve staring at me. They quickly avert their attention from me, I quirk my eyebrow as I look at them. I swallow the food down and take a sip of my strawberry lemonade, finishing it off.

"Oh, have some more. I made it especially for you." Mom says, a gentle smile on her lips.

She grabs the pitcher and refills my glass, I thank her for sipping more from the now filled cup.

I grab my fork and return to my food, eating some sugar snap peas. My eyes land on the dinner rolls in front of me, I could go for another.

I reach for one but Steve pulled the tray away "I can get it for you." He says, a smile on his face. He grabs a roll "Butter?" He asks

I nod "I can butter my own..." I began but trailed off as Steve had already begun spreading butter on my roll.

I look at mom who gives me a smile. What is up with all of the smiles? Steve hands me my dinner roll, I take it and set it on my plate.

"More ham?" Mom asks before setting down a slice on my plate. "Sure." I respond even though she had already set it down.

The doorbell rings, thankfully. Mom furrows her eyebrows before excusing herself and getting up. Steve and I are left at the table, he smiles at me "Cranberry sauce?" He asks.

I shake my head in response and force a smile. I stare at him skeptically, he looks away feeling intimidated.

"We have guest." Mom announces as she returns but with Thomas and Logan behind her.

My eyes light up as I look at Logan, a smile forming on my face. He smiles as he looks at me before Thomas steps in front breaking the stare.

"Sorry to intrude but Logan and I immediately thought of you Maddy when our Thanksgiving went downhill." Thomas says, he chuckles.

"I'm flattered. Have a seat, we don't mind." Mom says, a kind smile on her face.

"Not at all, join us." Steve agrees with a smile.

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