400 & 500 View: Special Chapter

Start from the beginning

Ruby and I chuckled as Weiss sighed. The four of us walked towards the training area and began.

The month went by quickly. The top ten had the choice of going to any three, but the ones who weren't in the top ten were unable to enlist in the Military Police. That branch was only for the top ten. Ruby, Blake, Weiss, and I choose the Scout Regiment. Together, we were going to slay the Creatures of Grimm. Save the world and save humanity.

"All Scouts! Vacuo has been breached! All units, prepare for battle!"

Ruby and I frantically got on our gear. We were in the same squad as Weiss and Blake. But they were in a different part of the building. Ruby was nervous about the first battle. So was I, but I didn't show it as much as she did. She was shaking and was unable to put gas in her equipment.

"Ruby, it's going to be ok."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. I'm going to go see how Blake and Weiss are doing."


I walked over to their section and saw that they looked calm. But they were probably just as nervous as Ruby on the inside. Knowing how to take down Grimm was one thing. But actually fighting and successfully killing them was another story.

"How are you guys holding up?"

"Fine," Blake said.

"Alright, I guess," Weiss said.

I walked over to Blake, who was shaking. I held her hand in mine and whispered to her, "Don't die out there. Please?"

"I'll try not to, but you know I can't promise you that."

"I know," I said.


"I'll see you out there."

I let go of her hand and ran back towards Ruby, who was still getting her equipment together. I had to help her and we headed outside, to face the Grimm head on.

"We have an Ursa coming in at center field," a commander called.

"You two, take it down before it gets any closer."

"Got it."

Apparently, our group was split up. Weiss and Ruby went to one section while Blake and I headed to another part. Every corner of the city was crawling with Grimm. It was terrible. Seeing Ursa, Beowolves, King Taijitus, Boarbatusk, and the DeathStrider. All of these beasts was causing mass chaos.

"Blake, take out the legs. I'll get the arms and we'll attack the chest," I said.

"Got it."

We executed it perfectly. But there was something wrong. We only saw Ursa. We'd normally see a mix of Ursa, Beowolves, and Boarbatusks. But there were only Ursa.

"Something's not right," I said.

"You picked up on that too?" Blake asked.


"Hey, where did you two come from?"

I looked up and saw Ruby and Weiss flying onto the rooftop. They were both injured very badly. Weiss was bleeding from her face and arm. Ruby looked like she suffered from a broken leg.

"We were being overrun by Grimm. There were too many of them. Our entire squad got wiped out. We managed to get here," Ruby said.

"Stay up here. We'll get both of you medical help."

Blake started running towards the area where Ruby and Weiss came from.

"Blake, where are you going?"

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