twenty-one: in a dark dark wood

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I tossed over for what might've been the millionth time. I couldn't care less if Evelyn heard me and couldn't sleep what with my incessant moving. In fact, I genuinely hope she can't sleep a wink.

I peek over my shoulder. Damn it. She's knocked out like an infant child. An infant child that just won a beauty pageant. With flawless gymnastics being her "talent" portion.

Sighing in defeat, I sit up and crawl out of the tent. I instantly regret it, feeling the presence of darkness and everything unknown in the dead of night smack dab in the middle of nowhere. Regardless, I choose to ignore my fears for once and accept the perfectly rational conclusion that there was no creepy slender man in the woods with his heart set on viciously murdering me. And so I begin to walk.

Surprisingly enough, the walk is peaceful. Damn, if only I had my music. My life would be set. I silently curse at the current state of the world for depriving me of my cellphone and earphones. That and putting the lives of millions at risk. My priorities are wack.


Oh there goes a cliché twig breaking. And when I turn around I will sigh in relief as I see it was just a cute little bunny hopping on through the forest.

I grit my teeth and slowly turn. Hm. Not a bunny.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just heard the crunch of leaves when you left the tent and I followed to make sure you were okay. Sorry." he whispers.

"Why are you whispering?"

"I don't know, it just seems appropriate. We're in the woods, it's dark, we're alone."

My dirty little mind smirks. Perfect scenario for hot forest sex. Shut up, me. Focus.

"So I guess you couldn't sleep either, huh?" I mumble quietly as I kick a rock.

He gives me a half smile. "Something like that"

A returning smile creeps on my lips as I look down at my shoes. I don't understand why I'm suddenly so nervous. It's not like I've never talked to this boy before.

I finally look up and find that he's now inches away from my face. Woah. When did that happen? Butterflies are popping champagne in my stomach right now.

His fingers brush a piece of hair away from the front of my face. Great, another cliché. Geez shut up Bella, he's leaning in now. Uh what? He's leaning in now! 

And suddenly my lips are met with his. The kiss is soft and slow at first, but believe me when I say it picks up pace. I find myself moving backwards until I'm pressed up against a tree. I try my hardest not to think about the hundreds of potential bugs crawling on my back right now.

His palms cup the sides of my face and I am overpowered. In a good way. I envelop my arms around his neck and pull him closer and I can feel everything moving a mile a minute. Funny how less than 48 hours ago I had never been kissed once and now it's like a free for all make-out sesh. Cool.

Our lips parted for a second but it wasn't long until we crashed together again. Except this time, I pulled a Bella. I bit his lip.

"Ow!" he yelped, his fingers flying to his lips. "I think you bit me" he chuckled quietly, looking down.

I smack my palm to my forehead. "I am so so sorry." I groan.

"It's ok-" he begins as he looks back up at me, but I can see his gaze is fixed on something else.

"Bella, move." he commands abruptly.

"Geez, I said sorry," I snorted, but stepped to the side.

His hand reaches out in front of him, grasping the tree. What the hell is he doing?

I hear the rip of vines as he yanks them off of the tree and just stares at them. I'm assuming someone slipped something into the water he's been sipping cause he's acting high.

"Bella, this- this is it. This is the boquila trifoliolata plant. It- it's the cure!" he laughs. "You found it!"

I break out into a grin.

"No Tripp, you found it."

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