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She sat next to David, she was very happy to see him and everyone, they were like a family and that was fantastic.

They talked a lot and shared time together during the event. From time to time, he put his hand on her thigh and squeezed it, she blushed and tried to hide it looking away, although she knew that he only did it with affection. She could not help but feel the strange swirl in her belly.

The awards ceremony came to an end and everyone went to the after party. She took the hand that Scott offered her to get up from her chair, they all talked a little while they were leaving for the party. She watched as David put his arm around Alison's shoulders and pulled her close to kiss his forehead and felt the prickle of jealousy on her chest.

Obviously he had done that with her, she secretly loved when he did it, she loved to feel his beard scraping her forehead and his soft lips kissing where his beard left itching.

She was happy with Scott, really happy ... but she still could not help feeling this strange way when she was with David.

The rest of the night was really good, they had come to the party and immediately started talking to the friends they got there, she had several drinks, she danced with the boys a few times and with Scott ... but she also danced with David and It was really amazing.

in a moment of the party saw David kiss Alison and it was when everything went to hell because she felt her chest tighten and her eyes itched with tears for some reason, so she began to take more than necessary and finished half drunk. She was dizzy and did not see Scott nearby, she wanted to get to the bathroom because the nausea was killing her and she needed to refresh her face because otherwise she would vomit.

She took a deep breath and got up from her chair to walk to the bathroom. The music rumbled everywhere and made her feel dazed, the people who were dancing and talking around did not let her walk. She hit someone on her hurried walk to get to the bathroom and almost fell to the floor but strong arms grabbed her waist to keep her standing.

"Hey, are you okay?"
It was David's worried voice. She denied in response.

"Take me to the bathroom," She said closing her eyes tightly, trying to keep the contents of her stomach inside.

She felt like she was being led between people towards her destination. Upon arriving, David opened the door but there were many girls inside.

"Outside," She murmured, seeing the bathroom too full.

Millie came out of the girls in the bathroom, looking at her with a worried face. "She is okay?"  She heard her asking David.

"Don't you know if there's a bathroom outside? Winona needs to go"

"Sure, at the hotel ... but you need go out"

"Thank you Mill"

Then again she was being guided among the people this time outside the party. When they left, David took her through the corridors and she was getting more and more dizzy.

Her head was spinning and her stomach was turning, she opened her eyes and saw a wastebasket right in front of she. She got out of his grip and leaned over the wastebasket, discarding everything she had swallowed in the trash bin. She felt vaguely as David took her hair so as not to get dirty since all her attention was on emptying the contents of her stomach.

When she finished, she took a deep breath trying to clear her head a little.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded.

"Fuck Winona, why did you drink so much? You're never like that." She knew he was angry.

She frowned, anger began to bubble in her veins. "It's really not your fucking problem, if I want to drink until I'm unconscious, I'll do it." He looked at her for a moment before letting go of her arm and leaning against the wall in front.

"Well, it's me who had to take you for almost half damn hotel so you could throw up, I have the right to bother you"

"I did not ask you to do it" she looked stubbornly to the side.

"That's really stupid, what did you want me to leave you there in the middle of the party as drunk as you were? I'm sorry, but I'm not like Scott" his voice rose more and more

That hit her ... Scott had left her alone.

She walked back to the party, with David on her heels. When she entered, she did not see Scott anywhere, so she went back out to go to her room. That Scott went to shit, she had a hellish headache and needed to lie in a damn bed and sleep until the next night.

She started crying, how could he leave her alone? David was still following her, she realized. "Get out, David," she said as she walked to her room, taking the key out of her bag.

He took her arm and pulled her to his chest, staying face to face. He was so tall ... she had to bend almost her entire neck to see his eyes. He placed his palm gently against her cheek, wiping a tear with his thumb.

"Hey ... I'm sorry, don't cry"

She froze as he softly kissed her lips. When she realized what was happening, she reciprocated by gently wrapping her arms around his neck and sighing against his mouth.

They separated when they were without air and walked different paths. That should never have happened.

(A/N: Hello everyone! I know I do not publish very often but I have had a lot of homework. I hope you liked this chapter! I do not know, I think it's too early for a kiss, but I had this in my head and I could not stop writing it! Anyway, thanks for your votes and comments guys! I love them💓💓)

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