27 - Falling Alseep

Start from the beginning

Hunk had fixed up all the food and told some of the specialty chefs what kind of food would match the chosen pallet and such. It was tiring. You left the room to get more grey center pieces when Hunk fell asleep. You came back and noticed his head down on the table and smiled, letting him rest. He'd had a busy couple days and was already dressed, it wouldn't hurt to let him catch a few hours before the wedding right?


The wedding was about to begin when you came back and got Hunk. You shook him awake and he woke up, sitting up. "How long have I️ been asleep?" He asked, rubbing his eyes and standing up, "Did I️ not decorate!?"

You laughed. "I️ did all that, you needed rest. I️ let you sleep and now the wedding is about to start", you said. He smiled and kissed your nose, pulling you into a short hug.

"Thank you sunshine."


Pidge sipped another Altean energy drink as she worked on Lance's lion. Everyone was getting a tune up, and until everyone's lions were done she told herself she wouldn't rest. She rubbed her eyes and pulled up on the rope that hung from the ceiling to pull herself up.

With your help she'd made a window washer kinda stand to adjust the lion wherever she needed to. She could feel the sleep eating at her, beckoning her to fall asleep.


You walked into the hangar, noticing Pidge was in the same spot as two hours ago. You lowered the mechanism carefully until it gently hit the floor, stifling a laugh at Pidge.

She laid on the 'floor' of the thing, curled up into a ball with a tool in one hand. You shook her and she awakened, looking around her.

"Go get rest", you said before she could protest, kissing her cheek and taking the tool, "I'll take care of the rest."

Pidge muttered a tired 'thank you' and lazily kissed your cheek, yawning as she walked out of the room, down the hall and into her bed.


You were looked for the princess since it was morning time. She'd gotten up in the middle of the night and had not returned to bed. You wanted her to have some rest and went after her.

You wandered into different areas of the castle before finally stumbling upon Coran. "Coran!" You called. He turned and gave you a smile. "The princess is in her room", he informed you, turning away to continue his walk.

You weaves back through the castle to your room and upon entry, saw the princess fast asleep...

...on the floor

You giggled and helped her onto your bed before climbing yourself. She stirred, snuggling closer to you as she mumbled sleepily. You wrapped your arms around her and fell asleep next to her as well, getting some more rest.


Lotor had gotten back from a very stressful mission which ended with the near death of two of his generals. Ezor and Axca were both in the infirmary, getting checked out by the doctors.

You hadn't gone on the mission, but had stayed back. Three days without Lotor really took a toll on you, you getting more grumpy and angry faster.

You were now curled up with more blankets than needed, swearing to yourself as you have been doing every night for the past three days, that you wouldn't rest until Lotor was there.

And somehow the gods answered your prayers because Lotor came in as you felt yourself giving up on staying awake enough to see him. You sleepily sat up and he came over to you, picking you up and into a hug. You held onto him as tightly as your tired body could and kissed his neck.

"Did you miss me?" He whispered, his voice low and soothing to you. You nodded and pulled him into a kiss, him rubbing you back as you did so.

He pulled away to set you in bed, coming back when he had out on what he slept in. He pulled you into his form and held you tightly as you fell asleep.

"Good night (y/n)."


Matt was the most random out of everyone in this book. He could do anything anywhere, make a bad situation funny, make an awkward one even worse, or sleep anywhere.

He'd literally fallen asleep against the wall, upside down waiting for your return.

And today was one of these days, but he laid on his stomach in the middle of the ship runways, sleeping and waiting for you.

You drove the ship into the castle's hangar, slowing down as your entered. You weren't paying attention and were yanked out of your thoughts when you saw a clump of something in the floor. You swerved out of the way and luckily pulled into an open space. You got out of your ship and walked over to the clump.

Upon realizing it was Matt, you leaned down to kiss the top of his head. He stirred and sat up, looking at you. "You're back!" He said, standing up to hug you, "I️ was waiting for you!"

You gave a small laugh. "Please don't do it in the runway ever again", you mumbled before taking him and walking back to your room, his hand holding yours.


"I️ miss you when you leave for missions", Matt blurred out as you settled into bed, wrapping his arms around your torso and pulling you closer.

"I️ know", you replied as you wrapped your arms around his neck, "but you need to never do that again or I'll run you over next time."

Matt glared at you and you giggled. "I'm sorry, but I️ almost hit a ship trying to swerve away from your sleeping body", you said, moving hair out of his face to kiss him.

"I️ love you Matt."

"I️ love you too (y/n)."

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