Chapter 1.

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I slowly opened my eyes to a bright light. It wasn't the sun shining, or just any lighting in the room. It was the whiteness of the room making my eyes unbearable to go open all at once. I squeeze them tight again  and flutter my eyelashes. After more blinking, squinting and turning my head, my eyes adjust to the bright light setting. When i focus them, i start to panic a bit. I'm in an entirely white room. A room which i have never seen before. I feel my wrists itching and when i look down, i see that my wrists and legs are tied together to a chair. Nice going.  I start to look around, and notice that i'm not alone in this white room. Next to me are 2 other boys and 2 girls seated. They all are still sitting in the same position as me, yet they look like they're sleeping. I hear the boy from my left groaning somethings i haven't managed to understand. He slowly opens his eyes too. 

"What the..." he says while he sits up straight and tries to pull his wrists loose. "Yes, tell me about it" i say back. He looks a bit surprised when he sees me and the others. "Can you explain to me wh-'' "No, sorry i can't" i interrupt him by sighing. "Sorry" he says while looking down to his feet. I want to introduce myself, but the weird part is that i don't know my name. Or where i am. Or what the fuck i am doing here. "Do you think we might be trapped?" the boy asks me. "I have no idea, but at this point i'm willing to think of anything since i can't even remember my own name...Maybe we've been drugged?" he stares at the ground in confusion. "Yes maybe we have. since i can't remember who you are or who i even am. I'm sorry" he apologizes, giving a small laugh. He lifts up his head and his eyes meet mine. This boy actually is quite handsome. His hair is a dark blonde colour and his locks are semi-curled, with beautiful green/brown eyes and a muscular build. He shies his eyes away from mine and gives the ground a small laugh again.

"What the..." a girl from my right groans. "Don't ask us, we don't know either" he says back letting out a sigh. She looks at us with a questioning look in her eyes. "We don't know why we're here, we don't know where we are, we don't know each other and we don't even know our own names. So yes, i'm freaked out too but there's nothing we can do about it. Let's just wait until the sick bastard that is keeping us here comes out and explains us everything. Okay?" i say to her. She nods. I take a look at her from head to toe. Not to be rude or anything, but she looks like a slut. She has way too many make-up on, her hair is dyed black with blonde streaks and the perfume smell is reeking off her. Not to even begin about her clothes. If you may call that a shirt, than i haven't worn such a small shirt since i was 8 years old. I look up and see that there's a gate in front of me. Like it appeared out of nowhere...

"Hey guys which i don't know names of" i say and they both lift their heads up and see the gate. "What the..." the girl from next to me says. "You guys really have to stop doing that by the way...If you have anything to say just say what the fuck or what the hell okay? Because it's getting really annoying" i fire at them. "Yea i don't think that's our biggest problem here" the guy next to me says, nodding his head at the gate. Somebody's walking towards it..."Get me out of here!" the girl from next to me starts to scream "Seriously! You're violating my privacy and rights as a human being! Let us go!" She screams as she kicks her feet, but it doesn't help. The person laughs. "Relax, i'm not violating anybodies rights, since you don't have any" he says while opening the gate, and closing it again. Leaving him here, with us, in the room. "Excuse me but women have rights okay! Just because i'm a woman doesn't mean that i don't get to say anything!" He laughs again, and somehow i'm not so afraid of this man. "I was not talking about you being a woman. Slow down feminist" "Than what were you talking about?" she says with a much more calm, yet bitchy tone in her voice. "Wait a second, i see the other ones are much better sleepers than  you"  he says and walks towards them and claps his hands before their faces.

"What the!" they scream as they wake up. "Well we've heard that one before" the boy besides me says as he rolls his eyes. The tall, dark sinned man in front of us laughs. "That never gets old" I can see the faces of the other two people clearer now. One of them is a really pretty girl, with the same hair colour and green/blue eyes as the boy next to me from earlier. The other one is a boy and has really dark brown and intense eyes, and dark brown hair. His jawline is very sharp and his cheekbones stick out, he is also very handsome. Yet, i don't know who they are either. "Who the hell are you, and what the fuck am i doing here?" the boy with the cheekbones asks in a low and raspy voice. "He gets it" i joke to the dark-blonde boy besides me. "Let me just explain" the dark man in front of us says "This is gonna sound weird, but let me finish the whole story before you ask any questions". He gives us all a glance, and we nod in response.

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