Chapter 10: Zap Me Out of Here Part 9: Fifty Shades of UtaPri

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A/N: I think this is one of the crackiest things I have ever written...but it was fun though. I have never watched or read any of the Fifty Shades books or movies, but I think I get the general idea of it, and honestly I just wanted to write something fun and traumatizing, so here you are.

Please enjoy~

Once again you awoke in a soft bed, a very soft bed with silk sheets and tons of pillows. You quickly sat up in the bed and found that you were in a brightly lit white room, which looked rather expensive. The furniture was designer and everything looked clean and neat. You looked down at your own body and discovered that you were wearing a black silk dressing robe, that looked a bit too fancy for just sleep. Underneath it you wore a black cocktail dress, and as you looked to the nightstand on your right, you found a black party mask. You took the mask in your hand and inspected it, again you felt like you had seen this room and mask before, but where was an excellent question.

You were ripped out of your thoughts as the door to the room flung open and to your surprise Reiji walked in, shirtless.

You screamed at the sight and covered yourself with the duvet.

"Ah, good morning (Y/n) beautiful day right?" he said as he walked to open the curtains and let the sun shine into the room.

"Put on a shirt goddammit!" you screamed as you threw a pillow at him, which he dodged.

He tried to say something, but you didn't let him, "I'm traumatised! I'll have nightmares for the rest of my life!!" you cried out as you continued to throw pillows at the poor idol, who was still trying to say something, but he was hit in the face with a pillow and you continued your crying.

"I'm scarred! The horror oh the horror!" you wailed as you put a hand to your forehead and fell dramatically down on the bed.

"Are you done? it can't be that bad" Reiji said as he finally put on a shirt.

"It is" you mumbled from your sorry state on the bed.

"What is going on in here?" Camus' voice was heard ask from the door, but you heard a few more people come with him.

"(Y/n) had a heart attack after seeing my half naked body, can't blame her really" Reiji said with a cheeky wink, you sat up and tossed another pillow at him as you turned to Camus, which you quickly regretted.

There before you stood not only Camus, but also Ren, Van and Eiichi, shirtless. This time you screamed and jumped up from the bed and ran to the other end of the room.

"What in the world is going on here?" you asked in frustration as you opened up a closet door and started throwing shirts at the half naked men.

"You know what, don't answer that, I'm out" you said as you left the room.

You quickly walked back into the room and slammed the door behind you as you looked to the others again.

"Why the hell is Masato and Natsuki standing half naked in the kitchen and cooking?" you asked the boys as your eyes twitched.

"And why is Yamato and Shion playing pool, also freaking shirtless?" you asked as you scratched the door in annoyance and confusion.

Ren was about to answer you, but you cut him off with your finger and said, "Or you know what, even more important question, why are you all shirtless?" looking to the five men before you.

"Because this is Fifty Shades of Grey, but since we can't be too, well you know, we decided to just take off our shirts and make up for it like that" Van explained as he smiled at you.

UtaPri: Television TerrorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora