Chapter 9: Zap Me Out of Here Part 8: Utavengers Assemble!

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A/N: So this chapter is of course inspired from 'The Avengers' I myself really love Marvel and comics, and I thought it would be fun to write a chapter with it. This is one of the last channels, so please look forward to the next two.

Please enjoy~

You awoke in a soft bed and you instantly knew that you were still trapped inside the television. The Agency didn't have beds as soft and comfortable as this. The room was white and had a single door. A desk, a noticeboard and a few chairs and a small table was in the room as well. You looked at the noticeboard and saw a few pictures of two children. This was when you noticed what you actually was wearing. A long red leather coat, a red corset like shirt with v-neck, black tight pants and a pair of short black boots with a little heel. You felt like you had seen the outfit before, but you couldn't quite place it. You also had this weird feeling flowing through your body, like there was some kind of unknown force within you, but you decided you would figure that out later, you had to find the others first. Just as you were about to walk out of the room a very young and boyish voice was heard from a speaker in the top right corner of the room.

"Utavengers we have dire situation" you looked to the speaker for a moment before it continued, "Meet up in the living room at once" the squeaky voice said, as you thought about it the voice sounded a bit like Nagi. Despite that fact there was another thing you had noticed, he had said 'Utavengers'. Did that mean you were in the Avengers?

You shook the thought, you would find out as soon as you would see what was in the living room.

Upon walking out from your room you were met with Otoya dressed in a full on Captain America suit, shield and everything. You stopped for a second and looked at the red haired boy before you giggled slightly.

"(Y/n), what is going on?" he asked as he ran to you.

His outfit had confirmed your theory, you were definitely in the Avengers.

You waved a hand at him and gestured for him to follow you to the living room. The two of you entered and were met with the sight of Eiji in a skin tight black spy suit and a bow and arrow strapped on to his back. Ranmaru and Syo was dressed in a normal everyday outfit, but Ranmaru wore a watch you recognized to be Tony Stark's and Syo wore a lab coat and a pair of glasses, the typical Bruce Banner outfit. Lastly Cecil also wore a black tight suit, but he held a helmet in his hands shaped as a panther. You and Otoya walked up to the others without a word, you had figured who the guys were supposed to be and you yourself had to be Scarlet Witch, which was pretty neat.

You all stood in silence for a moment before a door opened in the wall and Nagi walked out, sporting a way to long black coat he almost tripped in and an eyepatch over his left eye that made him look like a pirate. He came to a stop when he was in the middle of the room and everybody's eyes were on him.

"This has just appeared on the news" he stated shortly as he turned on a big television. You all looked at the screen and was met with Ai's face, though he looked more robotic than normal.

"Citizens of New York! It is us Aitron and Lokira!" Ai said to the camera as it zoomed out to show both him and Kira. Kira wore a green cape and a black outfit, and a golden helmet with two horns sat on his head, he looked disinterested and annoyed.

"We have come to inform you that this will be the last day you have as free people, in an hour this machine will turn on and you will all be in Lokira's control, while I will take care of all your electronic systems" Ai said as he snapped his fingers and the computers behind him turned blue for a second, but then showed an unknown logo.

"Your dear Utavengers won't be able to save you this time" he finished off as the camera turned off.

"What in the world is this?" Ranmaru asked annoyed as he looked to Nagi.

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