Chapter 7: Zap Me Out of Here Part 6: Nagi, Santa isn't real

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A/N: So this chapter isn't written after an actual movie, more the idea of a disaster movie, because the situation is almost always the same etc. But anyway I hope you like it

Please enjoy~ 

Syo didn't know why he had to be so unlucky, but it just hadn't been his, or anybody else's day for that matter. He was currently running from falling buildings and the sound of sirens. He had woken up in the middle of a small apartment when he had felt the rumbling and heard the cracks in the walls. There had been an earthquake and Syo had immediately known he was in a disaster movie. Of all things. At least he would get to be a badass main character in this, who survived and rescued the people.

The first earthquake had been a small one so it had been over fast, this had given Syo the opportunity to look through his apartment, and it appeared that he wasn't the only one living there. A picture had been situated on a table with him and Nagi. In this movie they were siblings, and it was Syo's task to go find Nagi at his school before it was too late.

Syo had run down the stairs of the building almost tripping five times.

As soon as he had gotten outside Syo had noticed a woman in need of help, and even though he knew he had to find Nagi, he couldn't let the poor woman be. He had helped her to the nearest policeman who would know what to do and where to guide her next. Syo had run off again in the direction towards the school.

It hadn't been long before another earthquake had erupted, this time stronger and more damaging. Syo had stopped his running and watched as the buildings at his sides started to fall and crumble, the road had cracked open and he had had to jump in order to get to safety.

People were screaming, cars were stopping and honking, everything was one big mess, and Syo knew it would get worse. It always did in these kinds of movies.

The earthquake was over again, but the roads had completely disoriented and Syo would have to jump and and crawl in order to move forwards. He had been lucky so far and hadn't gotten hit or hurt by anything, but he was sure it would happen at some point, so he would have to be careful.

Syo jumped over a giant crack in the road and ran in between cars and other objects. The school was still far away, but he had to hurry, he had to find Nagi before it was too late.

In the midst of his running Syo abruptly stopped. There to his left sat Kira, trapped. His left leg was stuck in between some rubble and he was struggling to get out.

Syo quickly ran to the older idol and started to move the rubble from his leg.

"Kurusu, what are you doing here?" Kira asked as he looked to the shorter male.

Syo turned around and smiled at him, "Same as you, trying to survive" he said as he finally got Kira's leg out of the rubble.

Kira nodded in return as he tried to get up from the ground, but he quickly sat down again, his left leg was hurt.

"I think it's sprained" he said as he rubbed his ankle.

Syo kneeled down to Kira's leg and inspected his ankle.

"It is swollen and bruised" Syo stated as he touched the ankle, Kira pulled his leg back in response and let out a noise of pain.

Syo looked up at the black haired man and said, "I'll wrap it up and help you, we need to get to the school"

"The school?" Kira asked in confusion as he looked to Syo.

"Nagi is there" Syo said as he tore a piece of his cardigan off and wrapped it around Kira's ankle.

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