Chapter 5: Zap Me Out of Here Part 4: Run and Hide, It's Satsuki!

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A/N: So this chapter is heavily inspired from the movie 'Friday the 13th' so I hope you like it, because this is a crack version...Also I refer to some things that has happened in some of my other UtaPri fanfictions.


The scenery was dark and misty. Masato could barely see where he was walking in the large ominous forest, it was just so damn dark. He had no idea of where he was or where any of the others were, but he knew one thing. This wasn't some romantic drama or adventure movie. It was definitely a horror movie, the overall feeling of the dark forest gave it away.

Masato was definitely scared, but he just had to find the others and the trophy, and then he would be out of here. That was of course easier said than done. Masato had more times than one heard a branch crack from somewhere else not far from him in the forest. A part of him wanted to investigate and see if it was anybody he knew. But his rational part told him to stay as far away from the sound as possible. It was always the stupid people,or the ones having sex who died first in a horror movie. And Masato had no intentions of being any of those people.

Masato had continued to walk through the forest for a while, without meeting any murderer, any friends or any trophy. He really had to find the others fast, this situation could be dangerous, he didn't know who the killer was or if he would actually die if he was killed in a movie. What was Shining even thinking putting them through this. Why couldn't this have been an old historical drama or a classic movie, why did it have to be a horror movie?

Masato was thrown out of his thoughts when he suddenly heard a high pitched scream. He stopped in his tracks and turned towards the scream. He stared intently into the many trees and suddenly saw a body moving towards him. It was running in full speed while it breathed heavily, it almost fell over a few times. Masato didn't know what to do, he was both scared and confused and in the end he ended up doing nothing before the body slammed directly into him, making them both fall to the ground.

The person that had run into him was frantically trying to get back onto his feet, it wasn't until he saw who he had run into that he stopped moving and Masato finally got a clear look on the other person.

"Eiji?" he asked.

"Masato?" The boy asked back as he slowly got to his feet and helped Masato up as well.

"Why were you screaming like that?" Masato asked the brown haired boy as he watched Eiji's eyes grow wide.

"Oh Masato it was horrible!" Eiji cried out as he threw himself at the blue haired male, Masato reluctantly patted his back.

"I saw him, the killer, he stood in between the trees and watched me, I was so scared" Eiji explained as he trembled.

Masato continued to pat Eiji's back. So he had been right, they were in a horror movie.

"That wasn't the killer you nugget" a sudden voice interrupted the two.

Masato turned his head in the direction he had heard the voice, and Eiji looked up from Masato's chest.

Shion stood not long from them tapping his fingers against his thigh.

"It was me" he slowly stated as he walked up to the two. Masato had let go of Eiji and they now all stood face to face, slightly dumbfounded.

"It was you?" Eiji asked slowly, scratching the back of his neck.

Shion nodded in response as he looked to Eiji with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh" was the only thing Eiji could say, "But I still think there's a killer out there" he stated in a low voice.

Masato nodded in response to his statement, there definitely was a killer around here, they just had to be smart enough to avoid him.

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