That's when we all heard the beeping noise.

We all knew what it meant.

He grabbed his phone and stared at the beeping red light.

Sweetbeats called you two hours ago for help.

I quickly opened my purse and saw the same message.

Linda and Trent both open their bags and stared at their phones too.

I guess we're all heroes.

But the problem was, the message was code red.

That means it's very serious.

I didn't waste a moment.

I transformed right in front of them and ran towards the signal.

I soon saw Swift, Psycho and Blue Jay at my side.

We were coming to help.


How could I be so stupid!?

We should have known that Alexander was up to no good!

What was Sweetbeats facing now?

He called us two hours ago.

What if he had lost!?

I should have checked my phone more!

Psycho ran beside me.

I would never thought that Trent was Psycho.

Nor Linda being Blue Jay.

But that doesn't matter now.

Evan needs us.

We jumped into the warehouse and looked around.

Noises were coming from downstairs.

We all ran downstairs and looked around.

We gasped, surprised by what we saw.

Destroyer, BlackStar and Beautyqueen were all attacking Sweetbeats.

All head on attacks.

Sweetbeat's white hair was red with blood.

He just laid on the floor.

His super suit was torn and ripped.

He had scratches and bruises all over his legs.

Swift was the first to jump into action.

Destroyer laughed "So here are your so called friends!"

"Isn't that nice! They came two hours after you called."

Swift tried to get though, but Darkstar knocked him aside.

Sweetbeats just groaned.

I growled "Let him go!"

Destroyer laughed "No way, you came just in time for me to see who's under that mask."

He bent down and touched his mask.

"No! Stop!"

Darkstar blasted me and sunspark back.

Psycho tried to get over to Evan, but got knocked into Blue Jay.

Destroyer laughed "Your nothing without your little leader here!"

He slowly pulled back the mask.

Swift slowly got back up and started over to him.


But it was too late.

Destroyer pulled off the mask but froze.

Swift looked at Sweetbeats and stopped.

"N–no way! I–it can't be."

"Your supposed to be Evan!"

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