Chapter 3: Cat Like Reflexes

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Magnus 'Reads'the cat, Raphael regrets all his life choices that have led to this (exceptSimon)


Magnus is my best friend, Magnus is my best friend, Magnus is my BEST friend...

Raphael kept trying to say this in his head, hoping that it would stop him from just giving up and slinking out the door while the others were distracted by Magnus's, whatever the hell he was doing. Hadn't they just talked about him taking this seriously? About him helping the police and proving to his dad that he was NOT trying to make a fool of himself or the department?


Magnus is .. You know, how badly do I Really need friends?

Okay, That's not working

Without Magnus, you wouldn't of met Simon, Without Magnus, you wouldn't of met Simon

Without Magnus, you wouldn't be dating Simon

You're Dating Simon

Alright, that's better

He took a deep breath, and prepared to sit back and watch whatever crazy show this ended up becoming.

Magnus strode across the room and scooped up the cat. Well, kitten; it was really just a little bit of a thing. A tiny black ball of fluff with bright green eyes.

Raphael refused to call it cute

Magnus brought the cat over to the group.

"So, what? You're Doctor Doolittle now?" Alec asked deadpan

"Well, I don't truly 'hear' them talking, like an actual voice-"

"Really? That's actually surprising; you hearing voices would explain so much"

Magnus turned slightly towards Simon, handing him the kitten

Simon's face lit up and he cuddled the kitten close


No, Focus

"Now, now, detective, no need to be rude; I'm just a conduit. I can only tell you what the cat tells me"

"Is it telling you that you need therapy? Because if it IS; I agree with the cat!"

Raphael snickered a bit at that; the detective was quite a match for Magn-

Oh, for god's sakes, what is that idiot doing NOW!

Magnus slinked up to Alec and nuzzled against his neck, making a, rather convincing, purring sound.

The detective froze, totally bewildered

Raphael could emphasize

"W-wha-what the hell are you doing" he managed to stutter out

Magnus just made another purring sound and nuzzled a bit closer, kneading the fabric of Alec's Suit jacket

Magnus shot a sublet wink at Raphael

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