Ryan tried to think of something to say to apologise for what happened the night before but nothing came to him. Her silence was driving him crazy but he knew why she was so quiet. She must hate him after Becca's lies.

He needed to at least try to explain things to her.

"Lenah look about last night...it wasn't...it wasn't how Becca made it sound. I'd never do that to you-" He saw Lenah stop moving beside him and turned to look at her.

"Ryan I know. I didn't mean to, but I heard your conversation, I heard you reject her and stand up for me. So thank you." Her dazzling smile told Ryan that he had been forgiven.

He didn't think about his next action before enveloping his mate in a tight hug being careful not to hurt her. She was so small when he wrapped his hands around her. The feel of her tentative hands holding him back almost broke his heart.

Pulling away from her, he kissed her head delicately before looking down at her hands. They were still bandaged from last night so he leaned down and kissed them as well. When he straightened back up he released all but one of them.

His wolf needed the skin to skin contact with his mate and even just holding her hand was enough to satisfy him. For how long, Ryan didn't know, but he was going to enjoy this moment.

Lenah looked down at their joined hands in some confusion but he was surprised when she didn't pull away. She may be fighting her feelings but he knew a part of her wanted this and as long as there was a part of her that wanted him he'd be there for her.

They walked hand in hand to the border where Ryan wanted the spells to be cast. He held the branches out of her way and kept them on course, never letting her hand slip from his, always making sure he was never hurting her with his grip.

Once they reached the edge of the estate Lenah let go of his hand to walk along the area. Ryan could already feel the loss of her hand in his. It seemed the more he touched, the more of her he wanted. He felt like a man starved and it only intensified the more he got to know her.

Watching her eyes darken, she drew symbols in the air and muttered unknown words under her breath. Ryan once again felt the magic soar around him before dissipating once she was finished.

"I've looked at a map of your land and found some key points to set up the spells are you okay to take me there?" He watched intrigued as she pulled out a folded map from her pocket and indicated where she wanted to go.

Some of the areas were close to where his patrols had spotted enemy wolves and he wasn't too happy about taking his mate there but her determined face was not to be messed with. He knew trying to talk her out of it would be useless so he'd have to shift. It spoilt his chance to talk with her but at least she'd be safer with his wolf watching over her.

"I can take you but we'll have to be careful." His tone was serious as he regarded his mate

Walking away from her, he began pulling his T-shirt over his head but stopped pulling at his trousers when Lenah let out a strangled cry.

"What are you doing?" Her breathy voice shot straight to his groin as she looked at him with hooded eyes.

"I'm shifting. Why? Does my nakedness bother you?" He chuckled slowly at her obvious discomfort. Nakedness was such a part of pack life he truthfully had thought nothing about it.

"You've seen me naked before, the night the wolves attacked, remember."

With her eyes still covered by her hand she whispered an unknown word.

"It wasn't like I was focusing on you that night. You might say I had other things on my mind." She said in a breathy hiss.

He was enjoying her reaction so much he decided to throw caution to the wind and shuck down to just his boxers.

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