Chapter Four

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*Fifth Day*

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*Fifth Day*

Alice had seen todays advents, she saw many of them. One where Rosalie had saved her, the other where she had downed a bunch of pills and they were too late. Alice rushed into the Cullen house, she had seen all her visions when she was outside hunting. Which was quite far away due to the fact that there weren't many animales around Forks recently. Especially since Elena had come to town.  Elena, the caster that everyone loved but couldn't see anything better in herself. Edward liked her because she made everyone else's thoughts absolutly silent. Jasper liked her because, well she was just nice to be around. The only person who doesn't like her is bella, because she draws all attention away from her and she doesnt like it. When Alice finally made it to the Cullen house she took a sigh in relief, not that she needed it, and ran into the house. "Rose!" She shouted, ignoring all her other siblings and Bella. She knew that only Rosalie could save Elena, and only Rose would have enough self control for it. Elena's blood drew them all in.

"Alice, is something wrong?" Rosalie asked as she emerged from her room, where she had been basically hiding from the human in. So she didnt just kill her.

"Elena's going to kill herself." Alice rushed out, everyone was frozen with shock. Rosalie was the first to snap out of the daze. Worry and anger rushed through her.

"Where is she?" Rosalie said through gritted teeth, she wanted to kill everyone in that room. And Emmett had to hold Jasper back.

"She's at home, Rosalie you may need to change her." Alice mumbled. Her head hung low.

"If thats what i have to do i'll do it without second thought." She said, rushing out of the house. Leaving everyone else behind, worrying about what is going to happen to Elena.

Rose rushed down the street of Elena's very quite road. She couldn't lose her mate, she loved Elena more then anything. She knocked down Elena's front door, and immeditaltly alcohol, blood and pills hit her undead nostrils. Rose quickly rushed upstairs, she found Elena almost dead in the bath tub. Rose knew in this second that she needed to turn Elena, she knew that she would not make it if she wasn't given the bite. Rose hated herself for what she had to do, but in this moment she had to be selfish. Rose pulled Elena out of the bath tub, placing her gently on the bed. Elena was pale, deathly pale. She had no colour in her cheeks and had barely a heart beat. Rose took a deep breath and bit Elena. First on the arm, then the other and then the neck. She wasn't taking any chances. But Rose had no clue what was going to happen when Elena wakes up..

Caster. Caster. - Rosalie HaleWhere stories live. Discover now