My brother (Newt) Part 2

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Your POV

"How do you know?" Alby asked, turning his attention from Thomas to me.

"I-I had a memory. I saw you. You were there and I called you my brother" I stammered as I stood up, staring at thomas in shock.

"Y/N have you had any other memories like this that you've not told us about?" Alby asked uneasily.

"What? No of course not. This is the first." I answered truthfully.

"Why now when Thomas comes up from the box is she able to remember something from her past?" Newt asked from behind me. I shrugged.

"What are you guys talking about?" Thomas asked, confusion audible in his voice.

"You've got a lot of catching up to do greenie" I told him with a grin on my face. Right now I was just excited about the fact I have a brother and I remember him.

"Well Y/N we're happy for you. But I think it's time to call it a night. Everyone get some sleep!" Alby ordered. In a flash, everyone was scrambling away to their places to sleep and I watched as chuck led Thomas to his hammock.

"Come on, time for bed you" newt nudged me slightly. I laughed a little and grabbed his hand before walking to the homestead where our room was.

When I came up in the box Alby made the decision that I was to have a room to sleep in because I was the only girl and when newt and I started dating he allowed us to share a room together. Also in the homestead, Minho, Alby, Winston, Gally and Frypan had rooms because the were keepers of their jobs. Obviously newt originally had a room to himself because he's Alby's second in command.

Newt and I got in our room and changed into our night clothes before getting into our shared bed. I laid my head on his chest and drifted to sleep rather quickly.

Next day

I was stood with Newt, Thomas and Zart as the three of them attempted to do some gardening. Clint and Jeff gave me a little break so I decided to catch up with them. However, I could newt was becoming a little frustrated with thomas because he was asking so many questions due to being the new greenie.

"Have you ever tried to climb to the top?" Thomas asked curiously, staring at the walls.

"Tried that. The ivy doesn't go all the way to the top" newt responded, continuing to work.

"What about when the box comes up, someone jumps in and sees if-"

"We've tried it alright? Twice. Anything you say I can guarantee we've tried it." Newt snapped at my brother. I shot a glare at newt and he stared back, realising why I was glaring. He diverted his eyes to the ground and glanced at the bucket by his feet.

"Here. Wanna make yourself useful? We need more fertiliser" he told him and three the bucket at him, catching him off guard. Thomas caught it just in time and stared at newt and Zart for a moment before picking up the shovel near him.

"I'm going with him" I spoke bluntly, not even bothering to look at newt. I didn't hear a response from so walked behind thomas, watching him trip over a pole along the way.

"Is he always like that?" He asked me as we walked through the deadheads.

"No. I think he just gets tired of answering the same questions every month when a new greenie comes up" I answered with a sigh.

"So you and him huh" he smirked at me, swinging the shovel forwards and backwards as we walked. I blushed a little and shifted my gaze to the ground.

"What about me and him?" I questioned.

"How long has it been going on for?" He asked curiously.

"A little over a year" I replied.

"Cuutteeee" he teased and shoved his elbow into my side jokingly. I squirmed and laughed.

This made me wish I had more memories of us two before our time in the glade, maybe one day I could get them back?

"What is this place?" Thomas asked quietly, slowing down his pace as he crouched down in front of tree with the name 'George' carved into it.

"We call this the deadheads...I think you can guess what we use it for" I told him with a nervous chuckle. He nodded and stood again. We turned around to pick up some fertiliser, only to be greeted with Ben stood in front of us.

His body was shaking from his spot and his skin was sweating. He had an angered look on his face as his lip continuously twitched.

"Uh hey, ben right?" Thomas asked awkwardly. I squinted my eyes to get a better look at ben. Blue veins on his neck.


He's been stung.

"Are you oka-" before Thomas could even reply, ben leapt forwards, passing me and pushing thomas to the ground. I screamed of fright and watched as he straddled my brother, squeezing his neck with his hands. Thomas tried his hardest to fight back and I frantically looked around me for some sort of weapon to use on ben to get him off thomas.

I found a skull and instantly picked it up.

"Sorry George" I muttered to the skull before smacking it into bens head. He rolled off of thomas and this was our opportunity to escape.

"HURRY!" I yelled at Thomas. He stood up off the ground and we both bolted up the hill of the woods with ben on our tails.

"What's going on?!" Thomas yelled at me in panic. Before I could reply, I felt my body get pushed down the hill in front of us. I toppled down it, screaming along the way but didn't hesitate to stand back up, grabbing thomas' wrist along the way and running again. The two of us were screaming for help as we could see the glade again through the edge of the woods.

Finally out of the woods we continued to run, Thomas was only about two centimetres in front of me but this gave ben the opportunity to tackle me to the ground. I reached for thomas' foot for stability but he fell down with us. I continued to scream as ben attempted to strangle me. Before another scream could even escape my mouth, I saw a shovel come in contact with his head and he fell off of me.

"Hold him down" a familiar British accent spoke. I then felt someone lift me off the ground by my arms before pulling me into their chest. I instantly knew it was newt do hugged back.

"What the bloodyhel just happened?!" Newt asked frantically as Gally and some of the others continued to restrain ben.

"He just appeared out of no where and attacked me. Then Y/N got him off but he then aimed for her after that" thomas responded.

"Lift his shirt" Alby told Gally. Ignoring ben's objections, Gally obeyed. He lifted the shirt and I was correct.

He has been stung.

"Babe are you okay?" Newt asked me worriedly. I turned to face him and forced a smile.

"I'm fine, honestly" I assured him. I could tell he wasn't sure as to whether he should believe me or not but he nodded anyways before placing a gentle kiss on my lips and helping the boys put ben in the pit.

Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu