You get hurt in the maze (Newt)

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Third person POV

"Ready for another day of running Y/N?" Minho asked you with a big grin on your face as the two of you got your lunches from frypan.

"Can't wait for another day of the same thing" you joked sarcastically. You both walked over to the entrance where Thomas and the other runners were waiting for you.

You all stood and chatted amongst yourselves as you waited for the doors to open. Minutes before they were due to open, Alby and Newt came over to you all like they always did.

"Be careful out there today guys" Alby told you all. You all nodded and newt pulled you in for a hug.

"Stay safe" he said in your ear before placing a kiss on the top of your forehead.

"Always" you smiled up at him.

You soon heard the maze doors opening and you all stood to watch it. Once they opened Minho spoke up

"Lets go!" He yelled and started running.

You pecked newts lips and darted off behind the boys.

The other runners apart from Minho and Thomas separated from you and you were due to separate next. Half of your section was the same as Minho's and then the rest you dealt with on your own. Thomas was currently with Minho because he was a new runner and couldn't go out on his own yet.

"Later guys!" You yelled and turned left as they took a right.

"Stay safe!" They both yelled at you.

You continued to run the same pattern you do everyday and eventually stopped to eat your lunch.


Meanwhile, back in the glade, Newt and Alby were on the top of the tree house.

"She's a tough girl Newt, she's fine" Alby assured his second in command.

"It's just not safe out there Alby, I hate the thought of her running out there on her own" he told his leader.

"She's been running that same section for four months now and not once has anything bad happened to her. You worry about this everyday newt and she never fails to prove you wrong. Start having some faith in her" he told the boy and patted him on the back.

"I know but I just get paranoid about it. I know she's safe and I know she's perfectly fine out there but I just can't help but panic" newt admitted.

"I get it man. But relax. Besides, half of her section she runs with Minho and Thomas so if anything was to happen to her she'd more than likely be safe with them rather than being on her own" he spoke.

Newt relaxed after his chat with Alby and realised he needed to start having some faith in his girlfriend a little more. He got back to work by helping Zart with the gardening.


Some time had passed out in the maze and it was time you had to start heading back towards the glade. You jogged through a few corridors but stopped when you heard some noises. You looked around you and nothing was there. You were about to continue running again but you heard some footsteps behind you. They didn't sound like any ordinary footsteps though...they sounded, metallic?

You turned around cautiously and at the other end of the corridor was...a griever.

"Oh shit" you muttered to yourself before sprinting away.

You heard the monster chase after you and make a few screeching noises and you bolted through the corridors. You were coming close to where you meet back up with Thomas and Minho and you could only pray that they were already waiting for you.

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