Memories of a Distant Past Shape the Future

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Zenyuki Week 2017, Day Two: Memories

Title: Memories of a Distant Past Shape the Future

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing in this fan-fiction except my horrible grammar and writing skills. All of the characters or cities mentioned in this fan-fiction belong to Akiduki Sorata unless said otherwise. Any references to real people or places are purely coincidental.

Synopsis: When Queen Haruto comes to visit Wistal Castle, she finds a few old photos of Zen from his childhood. One of them contains a picture of Zen and a certain red-haired girl when they went on a trip to Tanbarun. How will this affect Zen's and Shirayuki's relationship?

Zen sat in his office, completing desk work. He didn't complain or sigh like he usually did; in fact, he had a smile on his face as he did them.

"Does anyone know why he's acting so strange?" Mitsuhide whispered to Kiki and Obi.

"Perhaps he had a rendezvous with Shirayuki late in the night?" Obi suggested, earning a glare from his master.

"I can hear you, you know!" The silver-haired prince hissed in his direction.

Kiki gave him a stoic look. "Then what's the real reason for you acting so happy?"

He set his quill in his inkwell before answering, "Mother is coming to visit Wistal for a short while to crown Lord Brother."

His close aide put a hand on his chin as he thought. "She hasn't been here in such a long time... Oh, this will be her first time meeting Shirayuki if they get to meet."

The Second Prince nodded. "That's why it's so important. I want to quickly finish my work so I can go inform Shirayuki about the news."

The Prince's Knight gave him a smirk. "I wonder how Mistress will react to the news?"

"Is that all I need to do?" Shirayuki asked her former mentor, Ryuu,

Ryuu nodded. "Yep. Just hand over your report to the Chief Herbalist for safe-keeping and you'll be done for the day."

"Okay!" She nodded in acknowledgement before heading out of their shared office and into the main section of the pharmacy. She found the Chief in no time at all and handed her the report.

"Nice work, Shirayuki-chan!" Garack complimented her. "Oh, if you're heading out, there's someone who wants to meet you."

The young red-head blinked. "Someone came to meet me?"

The Chief nodded. "I would have gotten you out sooner, but they specifically said not to disturb you while you were working. They said they'd be fine waiting."

"I better go meet them, then! I wouldn't want to keep them waiting any longer!"

After saying her goodbyes, she exited the pharmacy and went to the room her visitor was currently waiting in. Her pulse began to beat more rapidly as she grabbed the handle and pushed it open.

"Zen!" Shirayuki heard herself call out as she recognized the figure sitting on a couch.

He held up a hand in greeting. "Yo, Shirayuki. I have something to tell you."

"So, your mother is coming to visit?" The young herbalist concluded after he finished giving her the news.

"Basically, yes," Zen agreed, "but I want her to meet you."

Shirayuki began to turn red. "M-Meet me?!

The Second Prince grabbed her hand and squeezed it comfortingly. "Don't worry; if you'd like, I could give you basic lessons in manners, posture, and the like."

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