Chapter 20: Just Love.

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Yoojung's POV

" Pardon? " Jason said.

" Please, do you have any girlfriend? Because im available. " She smirked and winked at jason.

" I, im sorry. But im not interested to you. " He said.


An another waitress came up to us and  she bow to us before pulling this crazy girl.

" Let's.. eat? " I chuckled.

After we ate; they decided to go shopping somewhere else.

" Woah. It change a little. " I said.

" What did you said? " Jason asked.

Oh, i forgot to say in english.

" I said, this mall change a little. "

" Oh, this. Unnie, you mentioned this to me, right? You were working here when you're living here and you're studying at hanok university. " She asked.

" Yeah..this is lotte, this is the mall i work before and i was remember that sad memories. " I sighed.

It took a while when we got silent.

" So,... Should we go inside? " Akira break the silence.

We didn't say anything just we headed inside the mall.

" Woaw. So luxury. " Jason mumbled.

" Let's go in there. I'm going to buy new clothes! " Akira squealed.

We headed inside the shop.

" This looks great to you unnie. " She cheered.

" I don't wanna buy new clothes, coz i have more. " I chuckled.

" Whatever. Just buy what suits to you. " She said.

No One's POV

" Jason, did you find something you want. Want me to treat you? " Yoojung winked then laughed.

Jason frowned.

" Look, I'm sorry. I was just kidding. " She laughed.

Akira was jealous of yoojung, so she take their attention to her.

" Guys! Look at this beautiful dress. It's so pretty, right? Should i buy this? " Akira said.

It's just a normal dress and nothing beautiful of it.

" Ah? Yeah. That's fits to you. " Yoojung said.

After shopping time.

They decided to go home, coz they're tired.

" Ah, " yoojung sighed as she throw herself into the couch.

" I'm going to take a shower. " Jason said.

They nod and yoojung made her way to their room.

" Unnie, " akira said and yoojung was shocked of it.

" You startled me. " She chuckled.

" Unnie, you were aware about my feelings for jason, right? " Akira said calmly.

" What's with that suddenly questions? Of course, i know since we're classmate and you say it to me. " She said.

" I know it. My point is, did you have any feelings with him?! " Akira said.

" I don't interested with any guy. What's up with you? Did you get jealous when i talk to him? Can't i have a talk to him? He's your boyfriend? Please akira. I don't have any feelings for jason. " She said.

" Whatever. Let's sleep. " Akira said.

Jason's POV

I did eavesdrop everything they were talking about.

Akira had feelings for me since we're in States?


And i also remember something about that fckng feelings, her feelings towards me.

when we're drinking at bar that night,but im not that drunk and i still remember what she says.

- Flashback-

" Oww, that's ouch. But if she didn't admit it, maybe jason already love someone now. " That kyla said.
" No, jason used to be a playboy. But when we've been friends, he's not around with girls now, except akira and me. " I heard yoojung said.

" It means, he like one of you and akira. " Kyla said.

" Maybe, it's akira. No way if it would be me. " Yoojung said.

" What are you talking about. What if Jason likes you but he's a shy person. " She said.
" I don't...know, but i didn't expecting anything from him. I don't like him, i love him as my bestfriend. " Yoojung said.

" Yah! " They look at me.

" Jason, what is it? " Yoojung asked.

" I-i need to go, to CR. " I said.

- End of Flashback-

I said that because i don't wanna hear those words can hurt my heart.

When i saw yoojung in our university, I'm confused with myself because i think i fall for her quickly.

They called it 'Love at First Sight'

But before i know her, i know akira before yoojung.

When we're in states, akira was always sticking with me, she always giving me a gifts.

When i asked her about the gift.

She was going to say that she was thankful of me.

I'm puzzled about her gifts.

And im so numb to not feel her.

I'm so numb that i didn't notice that she likes me that much.

But i don't feel the same as she do. 

I felt guilty.

but what can i do?

who should i like?

The girl i love or the girl had feelings for me.


How's this?? sorry for very very late updates.

my phone got broke so i need to go at internet cafe. T^T

And it makes me uncomfortable to write a story in public.

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