"Can I take it with me ?" asks Deepika when she turns to look at Ranbir.

Ranbir look at Deepika and shook his head before he stand up and walk closer towards her.

"That's the only thing I have .." says Ranbir.

"The only thing ?" inquires Deepika.

"The only thing that reminds me of you."

"Why you don't even search for me ?"

"Because you said to me that day if I love you, you don't want me to try searching for you .."

"So you don't try to find me because I say so ?"


"So you will do anything if I ask you to ?"


"Then, if I want you to hug me right now because I really missed you, will you do it ?" asks Deepika.

She was crying the whole time. Ranbir reach out for her hand and pull her closer to him. He pulls her face closer to him and wipes her tears.

"I missed you more, roller coaster .." confess Ranbir, touching his forehead with hers.

Deepika can feel his warm breath on her face, that familiar smell, his smell, his warmth - which only belongs to her if she never run from her feelings. She hugs him tightly. There was no words. They didn't need any words. But then, Ranbir pulls away and knelt to the ground.

"Marry me ?"

"Are you re-proposed me, Mr. Annoying ?"

"Yeah, even though there's no such words as re-proposed ..so, will you be my better half ?"

"There's no ring with you .."

"You've already wore the ring on your ring finger so I just need you to re-accept my re-proposed .."

"What the hell are you talking ?"

"Even I don't know what I'm talking but Deepika, "

"What ?"

"I'm proposing you right now, you wild beautiful angel ..!"

"Then do it properly na ?" teases Deepika.

"Would you marry me, Deepika ?"

Ranbir proposes Deepika again. Deepika look at Ranbir. She smiles.

"Stand up." orders Deepika.

"What ?" confuses Ranbir. He was expecting a 'yes' from her.

"Just stand up, Bira." says Deepika. She still smiling.

When Ranbir already stand up, Deepika take a few steps closer towards Ranbir. She look at him, catching his gaze as she parted her lips. Ranbir leans closer towards Deepika's face and close the distance between them. His lips touched hers. He was teasing her. Deepika wraps her hands around his head and pulls him closer to her as he deepen the kiss. Their tongues were fighting with each other. Ranbir tilted his head and buried his lips on her neck, kissing her slowly at every inch of her body as Deepika allowing him to completely access her body. It's like they were completely lost into each other before Deepika slowly pulls away and says,

"Wow, I was ..I was just trying to say 'yes' .."

Ranbir smiles before continues,

"Then, it's good for you."

"What ? Oh God, you're still annoying ..!" says Deepika as she hit Ranbir's shoulder.


"And that's it ..!" says Ranbir. He smiles looking at Diana who was busy wipes her tears with tissues.

"Are you okay ?" asks Ranbir.

"Yeah, I was ..lovely love story, Mr. Kapoor." says Diana while wiping her tears.

"Thank you. So, I wish you all the best with your work and if you don't mind, I need to go now because it's 2:40 pm already and I have a date with Mrs. Kapoor."

"Oh, okay. I'll take a leave now. And thank you again for your time, Mr. Kapoor." says Diana before she packs all her stuff and ready to walk away from the meeting room.

"It was pleasure to interview you, Mr. Kapoor."

"I've had a great time too, Diana. See you later. Bye." smiles Ranbir and walk out from the office.

While walking down towards her car, Diana take out her phone and dial a number.

"Hello, Viren ?"

"Yes, Diana."

"I love you, Viren."

"Well, I love you too."

"Okay, bye." says Diana with a smile before she cut the conversations.

It was her boyfriend. She don't know why but she feels like she just need to tell him that. And then, she enters her car and drives to the nearest cafe. She orders herself a white coffee and while waiting, she saw someone.

"Miss Shanaya ?"

Diana smiles before she try to approach Shanaya but then she stops when she see a guy approaches Shanaya. Diana sits one table away from them when she hear that guy asks,

"Are you sure you want to kill her ?"

That guy asks Shanaya. Diana can see them and when she see the picture of that person who Shanaya wants to kill, she shocked as she can't believe it. It a picture of Ranbir and Deepika.

"Just kill her. Make it looks like an accident, not a murder. And for that guy, make him became amnesia so that I can re-enter his life chapter."

"But is she's your best friend ?"

"Best friend never betrayed the friendship. Just do as I say ! Don't ask so many question."

"Okay then. But how about the payment ?"

"Take this. 25K in advance and you'll get the balance 25K after you've done your job, understand ?"

Diana can't believe what she just heard. She was trembling as she was scared. She stand up and was about to walk away when suddenly she accidentally drops someone's cup of coffee.

"Hey !"

"I'm sorry, I was .." says Diana before she see Shanay and that guy have saw her. Diana quickly run away from the cafe when she realised that Shanaya knows her and ask that guy to catch her.

"Hello ..Mr. Kapoor .." says Diana, panting.

"Yes, Diana. What is it ?"

"Is your wife with you, right now ?"

"Yes, why ? What happens, Diana ?"

Diana was so scares and try to tell everything to Ranbir when Shanaya showed up in front of her. Shanaya look at Diana and snatch her phone before switch off it.

"Miss ..Miss Shanaya .." says Diana, tremulous.

"Why you're trying to run away ?" asks Shanaya.

"I ..I was .." says Diana as she slowly take steps back. But then, she faints.

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