Chapter 6

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That night was wonderful. The stars flashing in the sky and cools breeze rejuvenates everyones that gathers in the courtyard. The seniors gathering around by having tea and discussing while the youngsters having beer in their hands. It's just a normal family gathering. Ranbir was busy helping Ramisha with the barbecue when he saw Deepika just walk in to join the gathering. But, there's something different with her. Her face was gloomy. She's not Deepika that he used to know. Probably she just had a fight with her father again. But then, Ranbir decides to walks toward her.

"Hey, I have to go for a while."

"Okay, bhaiyaa." says Ramisha.

Leaving Ramisha, Ranbir take two bottle of beers and walk towards Deepika. He offers the beer to Deepika and she take it without hesitations. Then, he sits besides Deepika and asks,

"Had a fight with your father again ?"

"None of your business." reply Deepika with a serious face.

"Is your dimples still there ?"

"What ?" confuse Deepika before he turns and look at Ranbir.

"Is your dimples still there ? Like seriously is it still there ?"

"Obviously. It can't disappear just like that, you idiot."

"Really ? Show me."

With that, Deepika smiles and says,

"That was a very good one. Did you do that to Shanaya ?"


"Then ?"

"I don't know. It just I find it weird when you're not smiling." says Ranbir before an awkward silence happens between both of them. They just look into each other eyes and finds the reason behind their unpredictable bondings.

"You're weird." says Deepika before she drink the beer and look away.

"And you're wild." reply Ranbir.

"Now you've starts it again." bored Deepika. Ranbir starts to be an annoying creatures again by calling her that way.

"What ?"

"Ranbir, can you just ..." says Deepika before she stop when Ramisha grabs everyone attentions.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Hopefully everyone having fun tonight. The dinner was ready but before we starts the dinner we're going to play some games. And for tonight, we're going to play this old game but interesting game called 'Truth or Dare'. The seniors are going to be the judges while the youngsters going to play the game but I'm not included because I'm the host of tonight show. Sorry everyone." smiles Ramisha before continues,

"Before we starts, let's introduce yourself. Just introduce your name and your status for example, I'm Ramisha and I'm single but not ready to mingle because I'm happy with being single. Okay ? Let's starts with Rhea." says Ramisha.

"I'm Rhea and I'm currently will getting married soon with Abhay." says Rhea.

At the same time,

"Oh, that's Rhea." whispers Deepika to Ranbir.

"Yeah, that's Rhea and that guy besides her is Abhay Singhania. Her fiancé." explains Ranbir.

As everyone introduces themselves, Ranbir keeps explaining to Deepika that this is who it is, what they are doing, they're taken or has not been taken until it's time for Deepika to introduces herself.

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