Chapter 13: A Choice

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This chapter contains perhaps the best line I've ever written, and one of the best conversations, perhaps. If you can figure out what that line is, kudos to you! But seriously, time for Chapter 13!

Chapter 13

A Choice

Clemont's eyes were narrowed on the small screen in the palm of his hand, though it was difficult with his arms partially wrapped around Mairin's slim figure. She, in turn, was gripping tightly onto Alain as he maneuvered Charizard through the air. If Clemont was honest with himself, he would admit to being surprised that the three of them could all fit comfortably on Charizard (well, maybe it wasn't comfortable for Charizard), yet here they were. There was a sudden and very loud beeping noise that came from his monitor.

"We're here! My invention stopped here!" Clemont called out over the rushing wind. He wasn't sure if Alain had heard him, mostly because he didn't want to look anywhere but right at his screen. However, he got the answer quickly enough.

"Charizard, let's head down!"

"Rawwr!" Charizard roared out. Clemont took a quick moment to slide his monitor back into his jumpsuit pocket before tightly securing himself around Mairin. The girl looked up at him with squished cheeks.

"You're squishing me, Clemont..." she expressed. Clemont chuckled nervously in response and drew back just a little to give them some space. Mairin appeared to breathe at that as Charizard began to fly in circles, getting slightly lower to the ground with every pass through. Then the Flame Pokémon angled himself downward and shot off. Clemont couldn't help the scream that erupted from his mouth. It was just a kneejerk reaction that he truly couldn't help in the moment. Mairin was far more collected, to his surprise.

The ground quickly approached the trio on the Charizard and Clemont was tempted to cover his mouth to prevent any momentary hurling. The action was unnecessary as Charizard's wings suddenly flapped out and the buffet of air significantly slowed their descent until they touched down on the sandy shores. Clemont instantly rolled off, heaving in breaths.

"Aw, it's okay, Clemont. Still not used to it, huh?" Mairin said, rubbing the older inventor on the back. Clemont shook his head. He may have ridden Charizard earlier in the day, but he certainly hated the feeling of it. Noivern was a much more capable flier, though he wasn't about to tell the broody Alain that, yet. Mairin continued to give him a moment of comfort until his urge to vomit passed. Alain, for his part, turned towards them as Charizard chose to lounge on the sands.

"You said this is the spot, right?" he asked brusquely. Clemont nodded, once more taking out his tablet to look over the details. Holding it up he could see that this picture matched the spot that his invention had marked perfectly. Now he just had to find the device, even if he had no idea where along the shoreline he was supposed to look. Stepping forward into the sands (and feeling some of it filter into his shoes) Clemont adjusted his glasses and peered over the ocean's horizon.

Stretching out far ahead of them was blue sea with nary a speck in sight other than a few jutting rocks and the waves lapping up against them. Sighing with slight frustration, Clemont adjusted his gaze to go down the shoreline. It was amazing how beautiful and pristine it looked, considering that Clemont rarely had the chance to go to the beach. Well, it was more that he didn't like the beach all that much; wearing a swimsuit was a hassle. Clemont's gaze narrowed in on a sight in the sandy shoreline and he began to pad towards it, walking close to where the water had made the sand rather dense. He avoided it and stooped low to the sight.

"Tracks..." he breathed. Alain was the only one close enough to hear him, as it seemed that Mairin was busy trying to spy what she could in the distance.

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