Chapter 9: A Face

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Hmmm...hrmm...I have literally no idea what to say. Nothing new so...enjoy? Yeah, enjoy Chapter 9!

Chapter 9

A Face

Bright lights shimmered on the edge of her vision, popping and crackling with the dull roaring in her ears. It felt so loud for a moment until it was practically silent, nothing but the sound of the ocean wafting back and forth, caressing her. Of course, that could have been the ringing in her ears causing that...Still, it felt very nice to just let it all go and ride away with that sound, even if the harsh lighting was hurting her.

"Ne!" something cried out, but Bonnie didn't want to hear it. She was in a happy place. She was by the ocean! "Ne ne! Denenene!"

"Ow!" Bonnie suddenly cried out. A sharp electrical shock zapped into her body, jolting her (literally) awake. She flung forward and banged her head on a metal bar. "Ooooh..."

"Nene?" Bonnie turned her head, rubbing at the bruise that was forming on her soft forehead. Sitting on the ground next to her was Dedenne, blinking his eyes furiously as if awakening from sleep.

"Dedenne, where are we?" she asked, crawling onto her knees a little. The Antenna Pokémon jumped up into her hands, staring up at her. It was clear that he didn't know, but the look of relief on his tiny face showed how glad he was that Bonnie had woken up. Not wanting to upset him any longer, Bonnie brought him close into a hug. "Well, thanks Dedenne. I'm glad you're here with me."

"Ne!" With Dedenne's agreement, Bonnie turned and decided to examine where she was.

The first thing she was able to observe was that the place she was in was big with bright light streaming in from a round and circular window that was far too high for her to reach at her height. The little claw marks on the wall underneath it indicated that Dedenne had tried to get up there, but had obviously not succeeded. Frowning a little, she turned to the other side and saw exactly what she had hit her head on: metal bars.

They were very clearly in some kind of prison cell. Sighing to herself, Bonnie wondered how she had been captured as easily as Ash or the rest of the Pokémon could get captured. The next thing she noticed was that the gap in the bars was small enough for little Dedenne to fit through. It made it possible that he could find her a way out of here! Pleased with her deduction, Bonnie walked over to the set of bars with a door and reached out for it.

"I wouldn't, little miss," mumbled an older voice. That made Bonnie jump as her hand was about to touch one of the bars. Even Dedenne, who had decided to skitter alongside her on the floor had to roll to stop before the bars. Bonnie turned and saw the form of a familiar older man leaning against one of a different set of bars that made up a wall, similar to what she had hit her head on. Beyond them, she could see other similar cells. "Those bars shouldn't be touched."

"Why not?" Bonnie asked, watching as Dedenne stepped a little forward and touched one of his whiskers to the cell bar. He let off a sudden squeak and was nearly thrown backwards, sparking with a jolt. "Dedenne! Are you okay? !"

"Ne...dene..." he groaned out but quickly rolled back onto his feet.

"It's electrically charged," the old man said, sitting up and straightening his back. "Too much for your little partner to handle; not that I think they expected him to be with you."

"Where is here, mister?" Bonnie asked, trying to remember where she'd seen the old man, but failing at doing so.

"I'm not sure," he chuckled out. "Last I remember was getting attacked by something with some kind of attack that knocked me out. Some snippets here and there of an airship maybe, and this cell. I feel like I've been out for days. What about you, young miss?"

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