"Elizabeth?" I look up to see Margaret grinning cheekily at me, "Would you assist me in a fitting for my wedding dress today? It is being sent to be altered at the same store your wedding dress came from."

Her behaviour seemed back to normal. Did I imagine what happened last night? "Yes, I will accompany you. When is it?"

"Whenever you are finished eating."

As soon as I was finished eating, Margaret whisked me out of my chair and into the waiting carriage outside. We waited in silence in the cold carriage as it bumped along the road. Should I ask her about last night? She said not to mention it though.

Margaret fortunately filled the silence, "I can not wait for you to see the dress I have chosen for the wedding! I believe it will be to your liking."

"Oh, yes I am sure it is beautiful."

"George and I have hired several painters to capture the wedding on canvas. Do you think they will be able to capture my true beauty?" she fluttered her eyelashes jokingly.

"I am sure they will do their job thoroughly."

She scrunched up her face," What is vexing you this day? You seem forlorn and distracted."

I cant my head in confusion. Why is she playing these games with me, she knows exactly why I am distracted today. But I played along with the game, "Hormones I suppose."


I corrected myself immediately, giggling to cover my mistake, "Pregnancy emotions, I meant."

"Oh, of course Elle, I did not mean to comment on that," she said reassuringly."I forgot to mention that we will be making a stop at the pier before the shop."

"Why is that?"

"Your father had said that a very important shipment is coming in today and he would like you to receive it," she said with a sly grin.

The last thing I wanted to get into was my father's business. It will either be some lavish item that has arrived from the silk road or from the colonies that he has gotten for himself or some lavish thing for me. I no longer want gifts of purple garments and fine jewelry probably stolen from someone.

We arrived at the pier, a large ship was already docked, people and objects were being unloaded. People limped along, bandages covering limbs, crutches being leaned on and all hope seemed to have left them. This wasn't an unusual thing to happen at the pier. At least once a week a boat would arrive carrying dead and injured soldiers. I used to go watch for Abe but now I avoid the area. I don't want to see him be brought out on a stretcher, or worse.

"What is the shipment we are looking for?" I asked Margaret.

"You will know it when you see it," she said cryptically. Together we watched the crowd of soldiers amble along. They all seem to be lost, shuffling along with no set destination. Some seemed relieved, others haunted, but most seemed like they lost everything that was inside them. War strips men of everything they are and everything they could be.

But then I saw him. Walking with more purpose than anyone else, a crutch secured under his right arm. His face was sallow, his dark hair matted flat, sunken eyes, chapped lips, and the bright red of his uniform that hung limply on him couldn't even bring colour to his face. He was glorious. I couldn't get the door of the carriage open fast enough. My dress was too restricting, I couldn't get to him fast enough.

"Abe! Abe!" I shouted, pushing through the crowd,"Abraham!" His face brightened when he spotted me through the crowd. He hobbled quicker through the crowd, elbowing people out of his way with his free arm. I hiked my skirt up past my ankles not caring about propriety as I ran towards my husband. I threw my arms around him, breathing him in. He dropped his crutch and laced his arms around my waist, drawing me in close.

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