Neighbors (Pt. 2)

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I hear the door creak open and try not to smile. Annabeth is going to be pissed that I snuck into her apartment. She's been my neighbor for 6 months now and my best friend — sorry, 2nd best (Jason gets jealous) — for about 5 months.

I put my feet up on the table and lean back in my chair, pretending to read a book.

"Hello? Is someone here?"

I look up just in time to see her come around the corner. Biting my lip to stop a grin from creeping across my face, I also feel myself start to blush. Why does my heart start beating faster when Annabeth walks in the room?

Annabeth jumps about a foot in the air when she sees me, and I burst out laughing.

"Percy?! We talked about this! Stop! Breaking!Into! My! House!" she exclaims as she whacks me repeatedly with the book I was "reading".

Suddenly Annabeth stops her assault and looks around the room.

"Why is there a bunch of candles and flowers in my living room?"

I smirk and ask, "Don't you know what today is?"

"The day I throw you off the fire escape?"

"Haha, no. It's been exactly six months since we met. It's our six month friendiversary!"

I grab Annabeth's hand and pull her over to the couch while I try to ignore the tingling shooting up my arm from where our hands meet.

Annabeth smiles and says as we sit down, "I can't believe it's been six months. It feels like forever and only yesterday at the same time."

As I pour the wine that I set out on the table, I realize my other hand is still holding Annabeth's hand, and I spill a little as I'm pouring.


I rush to clean up the spill, and Annabeth lets go if my hand. Or did I let go of her hand? It doesn't matter... but why am I so nervous? Annabeth is my friend, but I'm acting like an idiot around her! Actually, that's normal. I'm just tired. That's it.

An alarm goes off in the kitchen.

"The pizza!"

Annabeth hands me the paper towels and says, "I'll get it!" Then she runs into the kitchen.

I just finish cleaning up the wine when I hear Annabeth yell, "OOOWWW! F*CK!" And a crash echoes from the kitchen.

"Annabeth, are you okay?!"

I enter the kitchen to see Annabeth swearing and squeezing her hand with the pizza splattered at her feet.

"I burned myself on the pan! I'm such an idiot!"

"You need to stick your hand under some cold water right now! I'll get you some ice!" I say urgently.

Annabeth stick her hand under the running faucet, and I start shoveling ice cubes from the freezer into a bowl.

"Here you gooooo—!" As I turn towards Annabeth, I slip on the pizza and fall on my back. Since the kitchen is so small, I also kick Annabeth, and she loses her balance. She almost makes it without falling, but she slips on the ice cubes scattered across the floor and falls on top of me.



Both of us are covered in pizza, wine and water, and we are staring each other in the face on the floor.

"Well... so much for our special night. I think I cracked a rib!" I groan.

Annabeth giggles a little.

"What's so funny?" I asked irritated.

"You look hilarious, scowling with pizza sauce smeared across your face!" Annabeth starts to laugh.

She also is rather disheveled looking, and I start to laugh as well, thinking about how awful this evening turned out.

We both calm down after a few minutes and realize Annabeth is still on top of me, and we are nose to nose.


I look into her eyes to see her staring right back at me. I blush and can't look away, even for a second because, damn, she's beautiful. My heartbeat speeds up, in sync with the beat I feel in Annabeth's chest.

I reach up and tuck a perfect golden curl behind her ear so I can see her better. She bites her lip, and I'm paralyzed. I can feel electricity from every point we touch pulsing through my body.

Suddenly, I feel like I've lost control of my body as my arms slide around Annabeth's waist, pinning her against me. She stiffens for a second, and then relaxes into my embrace and combs her fingers through my messy hair.

I don't know who started it, but our lips start to get closer and closer together. I close my eyes at the last second, and my heart feels like it's pounding out of my chest.

Our mouths crash together, and I feel like I'm flying. Her lips are so soft and gentle, I could never have imagined it being this perfect.

Our lips move in sync as I realize I'M KISSING ANNABETH MCFREAKIN' CHASE!!!

I feel her tongue press against my mouth and let her in. I pull her closer and she moves her legs to either side of my body and straddles me.

As we run out of breath, we slowly pull apart and look at each other on shock.

Annabeth lips are swollen, and she is covered in stains, but she has never looked more beautiful.

I gulp in some air and whisper, "I... I love you so—"

I'm cut off by Annabeth's lips. I feel her smiling against my lips, but I cut off the kiss and stand up, forcing Annabeth off of me.

She looks at me anxiously and says, "Percy, what—?"

I lift her off the floor and push her against the wall. I kiss her passionately as Annabeth wraps her legs around my waist.

We pause again for air and lean our foreheads together.

"Percy, do you know how long I've been waiting to her you say that? I love you, too."

I can't help grinning and give her a peck on the lips and reply, "Well, then. Maybe you might want to clean off all this mess and join me in the shower?"

Annabeth punches me playfully and says, "I can't believe I just kissed that filthy mouth."

"And I bet you want to kiss it again, Wise Girl." I say smugly.

"Don't make me regret it, Seaweed Brain."

Percabeth OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now