What the hell is going on here? I looked closer at the men in cloaks. One was a blonde with his hair covering one eye and the rest in a ponytail. The other had short red hair and an infuriating vacant expression. Why the hell are they staring at me? At that moment, I lost control of the beast and let loose a blast of chakra. Anger consumed me. Why the hell couldn't I move of my own accord!?

"What the hell do we do, Sasori?" the blonde asked shielding himself as best he could from the blast.

"Fall back. Let her do the hard work for us," the red head responded.

So that's Sasori? I'll remember it even if I can't move on my own. At that moment the two jumped away and the clay bird vanished into smoke, wisping away into nothing. The other men jumped forward with kunai in hand, aiming for me. I didn't care how much the animal wanted to kill, and I could feel its lust, I didn't want any part of this. I jumped back swiftly and launched over their heads when my feet hit the ground. I turned and fled into the trees, gaining control for a few breif moments. Why should I do the fighting if it's their fight? I hadn't thought those two were that lazy. Psh, bums. Besides, this was an interesting place. I wanted to see more of it.

Shouts behind me suggested that the men without the strange cloaks were following, no doubt to put me back into my slumber. This was my chance to see the world, no way in hell was I going to go back to that cold darkness. Something whizzed past me, inches away from my face, and lodged into a tree. I grit my teeth in anger. They really expect that to slow me down. I sighed internally. The only way to ensure my freedom is to take them down.

I stopped abruptly and turned with the kunai in my hand. Pain hit me like a wave as I suddenly lost control of my body again. "N-no..." I hissed, holding a hand to me head as I doubled over. The pain receded suddenly, but the feeling of bloodlust stayed. I stood straight and felt a wicked grin curl across my face. The kunai I held left my hand as I hurled it at the closest person. It hit him square in the face and he dropped to the ground. Now if only a few more would drop dead. I flinched at the thought, fighting for more control over myself. Why would I want to kill them? The others kept coming despite their fallen comrade. Well, they aren't stupid enough to throw more kunai at me after their friend. Maybe I can get away without having to deal with them after all.

I turned to leave, feeling the bloodlust receding. Too late, a kunai stabbed into my back. I felt my blood slide down my back and quickly yanked the knife out. The thirst for blood came back full force, this time though I welcomed it. I smirked a little and threw the kunai behind me, openly enjoying the sound of it tearing into someone. They were mistaken to try throwing it with my back turned. The cut I could feel was already healing itself. Damn bastards need to learn their damn place! My anger spilled over and I grabbed the kunai from the unlucky victim's throat and launched into the crowd after me.

One after another, they dropped as my kunai sliced through them. Finally one remained, obviously the leader of the group. I couldn't recognize the look on his face. He seemed horrified, but unafraid. What the hell was this guy's problem? His look infuriated me even more than Sasori's had. I launched forward and stabbed the knife into his stomach, relishing in the feeling of his blood spilling over my hands and pooling at our feet. He hunched over and coughed blood onto my back as I stood pushing the kunai slowly deeper into him. Finally, he fell, staring up at me in awe. "H-how?"

I looked at him as I straightened, glaring at him as the sudden power faded and my regular bright scarlet eyes returned. My long red hair spilt over my shoulders and shone like a blazing fire in the fading sunlight. I dropped the kunai and knelt next to him. "I don't know what you mean," I whispered, wondering why I couldn't summon my voice. Probably because of how sick I was starting to feel after having to witness my actions. I wasn't even sure if they were even my actions, or if I was just trapped in someone's body, forced to fight for control.

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