Chapter 2: he used to know her

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 "Okay, class! Attention please my teacher mr.munn began. Some of you I already know and some of you are new my name is mr.munn I'm your teacher for biology." I was just about to turn the music up when someone suddenly opened the door and walked to mr.munn giving him a slip. a new student, he was wearing a simple black v neck t-shirt that was doing him justice because he had very muscular arms he was also wearing those Adidas sweatpants. He had wavy dark hair that was tumbling into his face. Man I would love to put it into a ponytail or just touch it looked so soft. 

" ah, Mr. Gregory, so glad to have you back with us." wait. Did he say Gregory the boy then turned and oh my god it's him its Gavin? He had a more defined jaw, higher cheekbones, and his eyes I don't know how but his eye color changed he used to have plain blue eyes but now they were a startling silver and blue swirl color. His gaze fell towards me as mr.munn directed him to the empty seat across from me. He slowly started walking towards me slipping into his seat. I hadn't realized I was staring until he said. "Take a picture, they last longer".

 Scoffing I rolled my eyes."I was just wondering how a person could be so ugly.". 

And then he started smiling. "I know that voice, Mallory is that you."

"Yup". "it's been so long you've changed I barely recognize you

Yeah, same here i said to myself.

" And when did you get so smart, what are you doing in ap biology Aren't you a soccer fanatic".

He got this faraway look in his when I mentioned soccer.

"Yeah well, soccer isn't the most important thing in the world," he said with a sad smile. I was shocked he has been soccer-crazed ever since he was a kid. Soccer is everything to him, I guess he wasn't the only one going through changes.

"Okay class settle down let's get started.

Absolutely dreadful.

Today was the only day where I wished I could throw myself out of a window. I know what you're saying but Mallory your on the second floor well that's my point. He was in almost every class I've had so far. And he kept picking seats next to me. Which earned me some looks because people were starting to wonder why he was sitting next to me. Same people same. But each time I put my headphones on and drowned my ears in music that wasn't helping. Even my playlist was turning against me. I just hope he isn't in AP literature with me that's the only class me and Natalie had together. It was what bonded us our passion for reading and writing. I approached the classroom and looked behind me. 

Phew, Gavin was nowhere to be seen. I took my usual seat in the back next to the window. 

This was the only class I didn't wear my headphones. I actually like ms.rosa. She understood me and she didn't tolerate the other students bullshit in her class. She has one of the sweetest smiles I've ever seen but you don't want to get on her bad side. I started pulling my notebooks out and pencils. When I heard the familiar clicks of natalies heels enter the class. With her usual suspects and that obnoxious laugh she now had. Isn't it weird how you would like someone then the next second even them breathing makes you want to choke them out? No, just me, okay. She immediately stops laughing as she gave her signature sneer. And I, as usual, flipped her off and said some pretty colorful language. 

Then her cute little nose turned red and I took that as my cue to turn away with a small smile. Then ms Rosa decides to walk in which was a good sign. That meant he wasn't in this class, which brought another smile to my face. What a shit show that would've been. The only available seat was between me and Natalie. Man, that would've been awkward.that moment, that exact moment I let out a relieved sigh he walks in apologizing saying he was with our last teacher asking for extra help. 

And he gives her his tardy note, and of course, ms rosa gives him her award-winning smile and tells him to just take a seat that it's not a problem.then he turns towards the seat she pointed at. He smiled at Natalie first which made her gaping mouth close and she smiled back at him. Then he approached the table and took his seat and turned to me and he says I swear I'm not following you, with a laugh. Then he turns to Natalie and greets her as they catch up I cant hide my smile at her annoyed face that he spoke to me. Man i can't wait till lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2019 ⏰

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