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I told everything to Lenia she was so happy when she heard it was a joke and sorry to I forgive her and now we are good again.

(first girl is Lenia and the second girl is me)

After school we go to the mall to buy something

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After school we go to the mall to buy something. Atfer a while shoping nothing we go to Lenia's house. We go to her room and talk about everything lol. ''Melisa how it goes with you and Joey?'' ''um I don't know really he said that he loves me but I am not sure.'' ''why?''. The why let me think a while because I don't know what to say. ''Nvm but how it goes you and Hunter?'' ''it goes super I love him so much and he cares so much to.'' and than Lenia's mom comes in and says to Lenia ''Lenia I bought the tickets you can invate a friend if you want.'' and than she goes again to the living room. I think and think but don't know about what they talk which tickets? ''Melisa do you want to come please i don't want to be alone.'' and I say '' yea sure why not from who is the concert?'' ''uhmm... it's from Marcus and Martinus'' ''what NO! are you kidding omg Lenia. OMG I have no words you will see!'' ''LOL you are comming haha.''. Now I need to go to those stupid boys ughh. ''When is the concert and where.'' I say a bit angry but she laugh and say '' its here in L.A and after a week lol.'' omg after a week I need to go ugh. '' I hate you, you know that aren't you.'' ''yeah I love you to Melisa.'' and than she hugs me and I hug her back.

6 days later

We are in school sitting or I'm sitting and Lenia jumping telling the girls that we will go to the concert tomorrow. She is so excited for tomorrow. And than Joey comes (I told him llast that i don't really know and that I need more time and he just said simply okay) and hugs me beehind and I hug him back. I can tell you Hunter is jealous haha. But than Loren comes she is one of the anoth popular girls but she not that nice one, she is the bitch one ugh I hate he she bulls every new child that comes to our school. ''Hey guys what your all doing?'' only the boys says ''hi nothing just talking.'' ''ohh can I join?'' before the boys can say something I say ''no we are fine like this sorry.'' ''Melisa you will see.''.  I know she will flirt with the boys so thats why I did it but the boys look at me like why you did that and I just ignore them and talk where I was last.

After school I go to home and I can't believe I will go to the concert to the boys that i don't like. But it happend and i can't do anything we will see tomorrow what will happen.

Hey guys thank you all for everything lol it's just the 4th part but it means so much for me. It wouold be so nice if you all vote to.


why me?!//Marcus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now