Chapter Two...

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3 years later...

Even though you hadn't saw Taron in person over 3 years, you did agree to stay in touch with him, but you didn't call or text as often as he did towards you though.

He would text you almost every day & would also message you over social media once in a while when he wasn't with his phone.

It's not that you wanted to completely block him out, because you didn't as you still loved him deep down, but most of the times he did text, he would still put kisses at the end, mostly out of habit though.

He would sometimes text you letting you know if he had gotten any good news or mostly just checking in on you, to see how you were doing nowadays.

You was aware that his career had gotten bigger & better in the last 3 years, as he was having more movie roles being offered to him, especially since he is such a talented person at heart & deserved this soo much.

In your spare time, you would usually sit down with your laptop & watch the odd interview of him that was posted online for the public to see.

You was happy for him that his career had gotten this far, becoz you knew deep down that he was doing something that he loved so passionately.

The only thing that irritated you, was that now he famous with everything, the world would start gradually noticing who he was & more or less would be asked that one very important question: Are you single?

It wasn't untill one day, that Taron was due to have 2 months off from filming before he would have to go back & so he sent a text message your way, asking if you were willing to meet up with him, somewhere private & discreet, away from all the press & paparazzi.

You was hesitant to reply back at first, as you hadn't saw him in such a really long time & the last time you were both together, tears were being shed from both directions.

You had no idea what tonight would bring between you & Taron, as you hadn't saw him in 3 whole years & had no clue as to what he was like nowadays.

But you swallowed your pride & took a deep breathe before replying back to him saying you would go, so long as it is somewhere that's private & that no one's going to be there with any camera's or anything.

In a matter of seconds, he responded saying that he had managed to book small private booth at the back of a lovely restaurant for the two of you & reassures you, that there is no press or paparazzi in sight at all.

It was just after 7pm in the evening, when you had finally arrived outside a really swanky restaurant via taxi.

You quickly paid the taxi driver & got out, before stepping into the cold breezy air outside.

Taron said he would be waiting for you at 7pm sharp, but you couldn't see him anywhere, so you quickly took your phone out of your bag & scrolled through the message thread to make sure you had the right restaurant address.

To your surprise you was at the right place, but got a little worried just incase he had maybe stood you up & pulled you along, this whole time.

You texted him saying you was outside & within a minute later, he explained that he was already inside & told you to come in & ask the receptionist/waiter to show you to the table he was currently sitting at.

So you stepped inside the swanky restaurant from the coldness & a middle aged man slowly approached you & asked how he may be of assistance.

You explained that your meeting Taron Egerton in a private booth area, in which the middle aged man nodded & politely asked you to follow him down a corridor towards the booth.

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