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I was on the computer looking up some stuff for Keegan baby shower. I was thinking about having it down here or in California. No, cause I know Keegan friend wants to stay down here so we can have the party down here.

"Hey man"August walk in the room. Did he stayed in the condo last night?

"Wassup"I said. "You slept here?"I ask.

"Yeah, me and angel. Keegan said we can stay in here"August said. I nod my head looking at him. Why would Keegan tell them they can stay in here without talking to me?

"Want something to drink? Eat? Something"I said to August.

"Nah man, bout to work on my music"August said.

"You rap?"I narrowed my eyebrows.

"No, I sing. Ladies love it"he smile.

"How you met angel?"I ask.

"Met her at this concert. She was in the crowd screaming my name loudly. I look into her eyes and saw a pretty young thing"he smile. "We got together and had a baby"

"Not married?"I ask.

"Nah, we just together parenting"August said.

"Well me and Keegan are engaged"I said.

August clap his hand giving me applause. "Your a trooper cause I can't put a ring on angel yet"

"Why not?"

"I'm not ready yet man. I have to do concert and shit"he said. "I just can't"


"We already got in fight when I left to the UK and she was 9 months pregnant with Aliya"August frown. "I miss the day she was born. It took a toll on me"

"I won't do that to Keegan. She's my everything even this baby and my little girl kairi"I smile.

"Three ladies in the household"August laugh.

"Yep, three ladies"

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