Chapter 9

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Magnus's POV:

I wake up and glance at my clock.

"Eight o clock. Perfect", I think.

I brush my teeth and put on a white shirt and jeans. I check my apartment if it's clean enough and lock my door.

I have mild OCD. So, my apartment is always clean. And, since Camille moved out, my house has been in its best condition. Thinking of her doesn't hurt as much as it did now.

"Hey Magnus", Izzy says as I step out of my house.

"Hey Iz. How are you? ", I ask.

"Fine. I barely see you these days", she says.

"It's the hospital. It's kind of hard to get time off. But, now a new pediatrician joined our hospital. So I'll have more time off", I say.

"Good. Where are you going? ", she asks.

"To pick my mom from the airport", I say.

"Oh cool", she says.

"You're coming to dinner with us tomorrow , right? ", I ask.

"What dinner? ", she asks.

"You don't know? My mom told the four of you to have dinner with us, tomorrow. I told Alexander. He must've forgotten", I say.

"Oh. Yeah, sure. Looks like you and Alec spend a lot of time these days", she says, looking at me expectantly.

"No. It's just we occasionally run into each other", I say.

"Uh huh? ", she says, raising an eyebrow at me.

"We're not dating and all", I say.

"But would you like to? ", she asks.

"Yeah. But I don't know if he's interested in me", I say.

"He is. He brightens up when someone mentions you. Doesn't shut up about you", she says.

"Oh. But, it seems like he isn't ready for a relationship", I say.

"After everything that happened", she says.

"I understand. Alexander isn't whom he seems to be. He's a bit complicated, isn't he? ", I ask.

"Yeah. He just needs some time", she says.

"I'm willing to wait for him", I say.

"Thank you", she says.

"No. Alexander is sweet, caring, adorable and hot. He's different from others", I say.

"You should try telling him that", she says.

"I will. I don't want to rush him into a relationship. I am gonna wait and enjoy having a crush on him. So, are you seeing someone? ", I ask.

"Yeah. Simon. He's sweet, funny and goofy", she says.

"Cool", I say.

"So, what should I bring tomorrow? Flowers or champagne? ", she asks.

"Alexander is enough", I say.

"Cheesy", she says, shoving my arm, playfully.

"So, where are you going? ", I ask.

"To the park. Max loves to feed the ducks. Jace, Alec and Max are waiting in the car. So see you later? ", she asks.

"Sure", I say.

"Alec talks about me", I think and smile on the whole way to the airport.

"Magnus", my mom says and I envelope her into a hug.

"I missed you, mom", I say.

"I missed you too, darling", she says.

"Ready to go, then? ", I ask.

"Yeah", he says.

"How's work? ", she asks, as we get into my car.

"Good. Yours?", I ask.

"I have not decided on the ending. Should I write a happy ending or a sad ending ?", she asks.

"A happy ending", I say.

"So, there's someone in your life", she says.

"Why do you think so? ", I ask.

"Because you want a happy ending with them. So, you said happy ending.
I majored in psychology, Magnus", she says.

"Fine. But, we're not dating and all. I just like him", I say.

"How did you meet this 'him' ?", she asks.

"My new neighbour, Alexander Lightwood", I say.

"What does he do? ", she asks.

"He's a lawyer", I say.

"Ooooh. Lawyer boyfriend", she says.

"We're not dating, mom", I say.

"Why, honey? Too scared to ask him out? ", she asks.

"He's facing some problems, now. Family problems. So, I want to help and support him now. Not burden him further", I say.

"Oh. When did you become so mature, Magnus?", she asks.

I just shrug at her.

"Don't make it obvious that you think we should be dating at dinner tomorrow", I say.

"When have I done that? ", she asks, innocently.

I turn and give her a death glare.

"That was one time, Magnus", she says.

"You gave him a list with hundred reasons why we should be in a relationship. It was our second date.  You made him run away. We were sixteen. He didn't talk to me ever again", I say.

"It was in the past, Magnus", she says.

"I know but still", I say.

"Fine. So, what problem is your crush facing? ", she asks.

"He was disowned when he came out. He was separated from his siblings. Now, they are together at last", I say.

"Sounds like he had a bit of a rough deal", she says.

"I know. That's why I am not pushing him", I say.

"How are Catarina, Ethan, Raphael and Ragnor? ", she asks.

"All of them are good. Cat said she'll drop by sometime", I say.

"Okay. Magnus, it's so good to see you happy again", she says.

I smile at her and she smiles back.

"He came to my house", I say.

"Your father? ", she asks and I wince.

"I'm sorry. He came to your house?", she asks.

"Yeah", I say.

"What did you do? ", she asks.

"I told him to get out", I say.

"Okay", she says.

"Mom, are you going to accept him? ", I ask.

"I don't know, Magnus", she says.

"I don't know either. How did he find out my address? ", I ask.

" I didn't give it to him. I don't know how he found out", she says.

"Okay. What's your story about? ", I ask.

She starts telling me her story and I listen until we reach home.

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