Chapter 1

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Magnus's POV

I wake up and look at the clock hanging on the wall.

"8 a.m. Today's Saturday. Maybe, I can sleep for an extra hour today", I think and turn around and press my face into my pillow.

"No. Get up, Magnus. We have to go jogging. Please", I say and get up.

I brush my teeth and smile at my reflection.

Then, I walk to the kitchen and prepare some coffee.

"Thank you lord for coffee", I say, aloud and take my first sip.

"Oh god. This is beyond the world", I think and empty the cup.

I click a selfie and send it to my mom -"Good morning, mom. Just woke up, going for a jog. Love u loads".

She sends me a pic -"Good morning, dear. Love u too. Going out with Agatha. TTYL".

I smile at her message and comb my hair a bit and wear my fitness tracker and plug in my iPod.

I hum absentmindedly and lock my house.

I walk down the stairs and see a car stopping in front of my apartment.

"C'mon Max. Our new apartment!", I hear a girl with long black hair say and I see a small boy jump out of the car.

Both of them are soon accompanied by a blonde haired guy in another car.

I see their cars are filled with boxes.

"So, you all are my new neighbours? ", I ask to the long black haired girl.

"Yeah. I guess so. I'm Isabelle Lightwood. This is Max", she says, gesturing to the small boy who shakes my hand.

"And this is Jace", she says, pointing to the blonde haired guy who shakes my hand too.

"Oh hello. I'm Magnus. Magnus Bane", I say shaking her hand.

She's really pretty, Isabelle. Jace is very handsome too.

"You guys, need a hand? ", I ask.

"No. It's alright. We can manage", Jace says,looking at his sister.

"It's okay, new neighbors. Let me help you", I say.

"Okay then", Isabelle says.

"So, let's get started then", I say and the three of us carry the boxes to their apartment.

"Who's this Alec? ", I ask as I carry the last box into their apartment.

"Our elder brother", Isabelle says.

"Where is he?", I ask.

"Some agreement related issue. He went to see the landlady. ", she says, flopping on the couch.

"Cool", I say.

"So, Magnus. Tell me about yourself", Jace says.

"I live in the opposite flat. I'm a doctor. Pediatrician to be precise. Twenty five, unmarried. A few exes in the past. Seven to be exact. I like to party a lot. That's it", I say.

"Jace Lightwood. Twenty one. I'm a police officer. My sister, Isabelle is a fashion designer. She's eighteen. Max is in fifth grade. Alec is twenty three. He's a lawyer. New town, new jobs, new people, hope everything works out ", he says.

"Everything will. Don't worry", I say.

"Thanks for helping us", Isabelle says.

"Izzy. Where's Max? ", Jace asks.

"He feel asleep", Izzy says, smiling.

"Alright then. Magnus, do you know any restaurants nearby, all of us are starving? ", Jace asks.

"Shall I make some pasta for all of you?", I ask.

"We've already troubled you enough", Isabelle says.

"It's no trouble. I'll go and bring the pasta", I say and unlock my door.

I moved in three years ago and I love my town. It's so busy in the mornings and so peaceful in the nights. My flat is a three bedroom apartment, spacious and cozy. The master bedroom is mine, the second one is for my mom, the third one is for guests.

"So, the pasta", I say and boil some water.

"New neighbors. Pasta's ready", I say, knocking on their flat.

Jace opens the door and moves aside.

"I bought some paper plates, so we can throw it off", I say.

"Thank you so much, Magnus", Isabelle says.

Isabelle's POV

"Hey Alec", I say, as he enters the house.

"Hey Izzy. How's the house? ", he asks.

"It's awesome", I say.

"Our new neighbour is so sweet. He helped us carry the boxes and made pasta for us", Jace says, entering the drawing hall.

"And he was pretty hot too", I say, looking at Alec.

"Stop it, Izzy. I'm starving", he says.

"There's still some pasta left", I say and hand him a plate.

"Wow! This really is delicious", he says.

"Told you so", I say.

"Where's Max? ", he asks.

"Oh. He's with Magnus. Both of them are playing cards at Magnus's", I say.

"Alright then. I'm going to sleep. Are Max's books and clothes ready? I want his first day at school to be perfect", he says.

"Everything's ready. Jace and I did some shopping for the house. The maid and the cook will arrive around eleven tomorrow. That's taken care of. Magnus will drop me at my studio tomorrow", I say.

"Okay. I'll go to sleep then. Today's been a long day for me", he says and goes into his bedroom.

"Good night, Alec", I call after him.

"Good night, siblings", he says and closes the door.

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