Chapter 8: Zap Me Out of Here Part 7: Kylo Ren and...Van Solo?

Start from the beginning

"I don't think Jabba the Hutt is interested in me, I lack the right assessments" he argued as he motioned for his chest and butt.

You growled at him and through gritted teeth said, "I will seriously hit you"

"You could always put on the infamous 'slave outfit'" he said as a suggestion which caused you to kick at his shin, missing.

"Or you could do it, I'm sure it would suit you" you said matter of factly as you nodded at your own statement and crossed your arms over your chest.

Van chuckled slightly and looked to you.

"Why don't we do it together" he said with a soft voice.

You looked to Van again, "Fine" you said with a sigh as you opened the door to the bar and walked in, taking a seat furthest away from Jabba.

"Why is it again that we have to do this?" you whispered to Van across the table.

"Because we are the best, you could say that we are, their only hope" Van said with a smirk.

"Quit the stupid references and focus" you said as you swatted him on the head.

Van laughed again as his eyes fell on the door. You turned around to watch as a tall dark clad person walk through the doors. His face was covered by a black mask and he was covered by a black cloak. He stalked over to Jabba and took a seat across the table.

You and Van watched the scene closely, the stranger pulled something from his cloak and Jabba inspected it for a second, and then it all happened so fast. The black cloaked man had gotten up from his chair after he had taken a look at the package, and taken back the item Jabba had been looking on. It was apparently a lightsaber and it was now shining a bright red as the man directed it towards Jabba.

With a quick swift the man had cut through the giant slug like alien.

You gasped as the Hutt fell apart and sunk down on the floor, the rest of the creatures in the bar had fled as soon as they had seen the lightsaber, but you and Van had only managed to get up from your seats and get a hold of your blasters before the black cloaked man had taken the package and turned towards you.

You and Van both stared at the man with wide eyes clinging on to your blasters. You hadn't known anything about the person Jabba was meeting up with, and definitely not that he would be this powerful. If you had known, you wouldn't have agreed to this at all.

The black cloaked man slowly picked up the package and opened it to reveal Shining's trophy, he turned it in his hands a few times and he turned to you again.

"Is that Darth Vader?" Van whispered to you as you both continued to stare at the man with wide eyes.

You shook your head, he did look like Darth Vader, but it wasn't him, you had watched the newer Star Wars movie to many times to not know who this was.

"No that's not Darth Vader. That's..." You started, but didn't get to finish your sentence as the black cloaked man before you started to remove his mask.

"You guys are so lucky that I got the role of Kylo Ren" The man said as he finally revealed his face. It was Ren. What even were the odds.

"Holy shit Ren you scared the crap out of me" Van said as he sighed in relief and walked to the orange haired idol.

You sighed as well at the sight of the other male and for a moment forgot where you were.

Ren sent you both a smirk as he held up the trophy.

"How did you know?" you asked as you looked to the trophy.

"I heard from the first order that it was a sacred treasure, and I had to see it for myself, maybe we were lucky for once" he said with a shrug.

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