Its not the end

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Hello everyone! Its me again @OneIndianWriter.

Right from the start, I have tried to highlight some of the wrong practices and mentalities in our society. And the list is never ending. I am going to declare this book as completed but I'll still keep trying to highlight more such issues occasionally. Also I would be sharing your experiences too. So even if this book will be marked as completed, it will still be continued!

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences about the wrong practices. So feel free to share it with me via email "".

At the end, I would like to summarize few things which we discussed earlier or will be discussing ahead...

(Important note : This is NOT an attempt to diss India. I love my country, its culture, diversity and people)

● We talk about women empowerment but hamper our own daughters.

● We claim to be feminists but don't give up any privileges that come with being a woman.

● We are tired of corrupt politicians but bribe policemen to escape a fine after breaking a red light.

● We are asked to stay away from strangers but are married off to one.

● We are encouraged to be different but we have to choose between medical and engineering.

● If a foreigner abuses an Indian, we call them racists while we continue to differentiate between North and South Indians.

● We boast of different cultures and languages, but use derogatory names.

● We make our kids study science but shut them up when they question stereotypes.

● We happily "accept" a pornstar but still mock a rape victim.

● We tell our daughters how not to get raped but don't teach our sons that they shouldn't rape women.

● We talk about equality of the sexes, but hardly take violence against men seriously.

● We want our sons to get good jobs but want our daughters only to get good husbands.

● We worship cows but treat women worse than animals.

● We talk about spreading love but ban gay marriages.

● We are proud of our art and culture but censor the same if it's bold.


Thank you so much to all the people who have supported me with this book.

Thank you so much to all my readers.

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