My father shakes his head, not wanting to believe a word that comes out of my mouth. "As the head of the household, you are forbidden to be with him. End of discussion."

I grab his arm when he tries to walk away. He is never like this! I expected him to be happy that I found someone. He is always supporting me in whatever I wanted. Why has his attitude changed all of a sudden? Is it because I wasn't around for so long? "How do you think I'd break it off with him? I can't just tell him to leave me alone, we love each other and will find a way to be with the other."

My father turns around, "You will end it with him. Break the bond." My eyes widen. "I will give you one last serum to end it, but you need to end it for good. Say the words, and throw the serum. Easy as that."

My heart is shattering at his words. In no world could I ever do this. I need Ryland as much as he needs me. "I won't do it." I choke out. "I'm leaving."

He grabs my arm now, "you will not leave and you will follow my direct orders." He pushes me back rather harshly, a flash of guilt in his eyes, "or, I'll have him killed. Your choice." He turns around and starts to walk back to where I came in while I crumple to the ground.

I have a choice to deny Ryland as my mate and make him leave, or he dies. Neither of them are something I could do, but if I must choose one, I have to make sure he lives. My father never said when, so maybe I can think of something in the meantime.

I brush myself off and wipe the tears threatening to spill from my eyes, walking out of the room and to Ryland. He is talking to my parents who look like they are enjoying his company. What great liars. I run up to Ryland and wrap my arms around him. My mother is genuinely smiling at us, giving me hope that she thinks differently from my father.

I tug on Ryland's arm, begging him to leave the company so we can go to my home. My father stops us and tells us to wait for them. I disobey his orders and take Ryland to the car parked out front and tell the driver to take us home. My mother is frowning at us from the door, but something else swirls in her expression. Guilt?

When we reach my house that is not too far from there, I take Ryland up to my room and lock the door. I am not going to risk him getting hurt during the time I have with him. I'd lock him away if I had to so nobody gets to him, but that's a bit too much for me. I'm not that extra.

"Woah, Maura. Calm down for a second." He grabs my arms and pulls me to him, "Why are you in a huge rush all of a sudden? I didn't get to say a word to you yet since you're so tense." He massages my arms and moves to my neck when I let out a breath of air.

"I'm sorry. I just haven't been home for a long time and I'm frazzled." I look up and meet his amused eyes.

He smirks and laughs at me, "frazzled? Are you sure you are okay?" He hugs me and I laugh with him. "Relax now, Love. We can take it easy and enjoy the time together before the plan comes into play."

I look at him, "Remember there are ears everywhere." I warn him. Alpha Zax can be listening anywhere, anytime. He nods and frowns, knowing that we will never have any real privacy until Zax is out of power. We stand in our arms until he leads us over to the bed to lay down. "You've got a nice room, miss rich."

I remember he called me that before and laugh. "Thanks," I mumble into his chest. He rubs my head, petting my hair until it lulls me to sleep. His sent surrounds me and seeps into my bedsheets. When he is gone, I'm never going to get over him. I hope he can only forgive me.


The next day passes with us locked in my room, maids bringing us food to eat. I'm sulking in my bathroom, knowing that what I'm about to do is going to change my life forever. Earlier, Ryland complained about me not letting him out to get some fresh air. He got me to agree to leave the room in which my dad intercepted our walk in the garden. He took me aside and gave me an unmating vial. Once I break things off with Ryland, I am supposed to unmate myself to him once and for all. My heart is breaking as I grip the tiny vial.

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