"well, is there anything i can do to change that?"

"uh no, don't worry its ok"

"i insist"

"im flattered i really am but im happy with my boyfriend"

"i wont take no for an answer"

"im sorry, i think i need to find my friend now"

"you found him. im here"

"draco?" you called

"draco isnt here. he left with a girl with dark hair"

did he? surely he wouldnt leave without me. hed never done that before.


how did this man know who draco was?

he didn't go to hogwarts. and its not like draco was as famous as harry potter. 

"no, he didnt. im going to find him now. have a nice night. bye!" 

you turned and ran to the corner you last saw draco and his girl of the night. you felt immensely relieved when you saw the platinum blonde hair of your best friend.

"draco!" you yelled running even faster through the busy bar.

hearing your voice, he detached his lips from hers and turned to see you. he registered immediately the distress in your eyes and tone and pushed the dark haired girl off his lap and got up to go to you.

"can we go now please? some guy wouldnt leave me alone and i just dont feel like anything anymore"

"aw y/n of course. sorry, see you patricia" he turned around and waved to the outraged dark haired girl

"its petunia" she said and stormed away to find another man for the night. 

you walked back to hogwarts in silence, but hand in hand. not a cute warm fluffy holding hands but a im actually cold and terrified and need something to hold onto holding hands

"well" you said, in an attempt to lighten the mood "poor penelope amirite"

"its portia" he said, imitating her tone. 

you both laughed.

"but seriously, thank you for having my back. i was scared shitless and wanted to get the fuck out"

"hey no worries, you would've done the same for me. he smiled down at you and you smiled back. you made it back to the commonroom and just sat side by side on the couch.

"im sorry our 'fuck pansy' night out didn't work out. i didnt want you to get hurt or scared or-"

"hey its ok, you dont need to apologise. im just too damn sexy"

draco snorted

"honestly, im just kinda mad i didnt get to get drunk. like its a friday night for fucks sakes!"

draco malfoy imagines (requests open)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora