blush ♡

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a/n: this was inspired by a lil somethin i found on insta so i can't take full credit, but here is a link to the source:
not to sure about how this one turned out. tell me what you think though. i reckon it just needed a lil bit more draco amirite.

name: y/n
house: slytherin
blood status: pure, but raised by muggles after your parents were murdered
year: irrelevant (you decide)

"i mean i don't even see why they allow muggles here" pansy parkinson declared loudly. granger, who was surprisingly lovely once you got to know her, heard, and gripped the spine of hogwarts, a history noticeably tighter.

"muggles can't even do proper magic" she continued

usually, you ignored pansy's bullshit, but some of your best friends are muggle-borns and more importantly, after your pure-blood parents got murdered, two lovely muggles legally adopted you. muggles are some of the best people you know.

"oi pansy" you called "shut the fuck up"

granger smiled behind her book and the slytherins grew quieter

"ah yes. y/n, the pure blood raised by muggles"

"that's me" you snapped your fingers and did finger guns pointing at her. some kids snickered.

"it seems we have our very own arthur weasley-esque muggle lover, a disgrace to the wizarding world and her pure blood family right here in hogwarts, more importantly, in slytherin"

"you did-fucking-not" you grabbed your wand "take this you loathsome bitch" you fired a leg locking hex at her.

she dodged it quickly and fired a hex back, which you blocked, and reciprocated, hitting her in the chest, causing her bogeys to turn into black bats.

nearby students began laughing, and so did you.

you turned away and began walking to your first class when you copped a skin cutting curse to your knee.

there was a massive painful gash on your knee and you fell to the floor straight away.

"what a cheap shot"

"couldn't even get her while she was looking at you"

"good one parkinson, you fat oaf" many of your gryffindor and slytherin friends expressed their disdain towards pansy's dick moves, and she quickly ran to the common room

"ah fuck" a dull throb reminded you of the injury on your knee.

"pansy what the fuck!" your boyfriend draco suddenly appeared by your side. "are you ok love?"

"yeah i'm -fuck- just dandy"

he muttered a spell and aimed his wand at your knee and the skin began to heal itself.

"shit" god it hurt. you grabbed draco's hand and squeezed it.

when the pain stopped you stretched out your knee and looked at draco. "thanks for that"

draco's usually death-like pale skin was an incredibly cute pinky shade.

"why is your face red? you didn't just have the skin of your knee fused together" you chuckled

"i-uhm-ah-i-well-you see"


"i could see up your skirt"

you laughed and pressed your lips to his

draco malfoy imagines (requests open)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin