Information n'cool stuff I guess but also not really

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Hey! So I see you've some how stumbled across my work, but before you run away in boredom, let me briefly explain what this is all about.

This whole thing is me writing short stories based off of prompts that I have found. So at the beginning of each chapter, labeled Prompt#[number] respectively, the prompt itself will be in bold.

Then after that its just my lame ass short story. Haha jk jk, or am I?

This is just a way of helping me improve, and maybe entertaining some people along the way. I am open to criticism, so feel free to call me names, or to more productively tell me how to improve my story and my writing.

Thanks for taking the time to read this :)

(Heads up: In my opinion Prompt #2 is way more fire than the first.)


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