We're Where?

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The moment Percy awoke, he barely wanted to move. It felt as if he'd just run over every course Camp Half-Blood had to offer thrice. In other words, completely and utterly drained.

Percy groaned and grimaced as he tried to sit up. His head was pounding.

"Percy!" A girls voice called out to him through his hazy senses.

"Annabeth?" He asked blindly.

"No. I'm Holly." Percy blinked, confused. Dark hair swamped his view as Holly peered closer, trying to tell if he were fully there and not just sleep talking, like he had been once before. "What do you remember?"

"Remember?" He mumbled. It took him five minutes of straining through his memories and plenty of nagging on Holly's part.

"Oh." was all he said. "So you, uhm. Feel better then?"

"Yes. I don't know what it was, and it's hard to explain-"

"You're safe for now. That's all that matters. The rest we can talk about later when we get out of here."

Percy looked around the foreign room.

"Where... is here exactly?"

"That's the thing. I have no idea. But here, having powers are normal. Everyone has them. They aren't monsters. Trust me, I figured that out pretty quick. I don't think you want to know how."

Percy didn't doubt her. It didn't, however, make Percy feel any more at ease. Then where were they? How did they get here? How do they get back?

"Oh good. You're finally awake. How do you feel darling?" A woman remarked as she walked into what was clearly a hospital room. "I'm Nurse Aika." she added as an after thought.

"Sore. In pain. Tired. Aching. Uncomfortable and confused." Percy listed bluntly.

"That's understandable. You have managed to shatter your left leg and sprain the other. Your back has sustained extensive bruising and you've also managed to get a concusion. All of which as been swiftly treated."

"Yup. That'll do it." Percy groaned throwing his head back into the pillow. Then he realised something. "Wait, this doesn't feel like a shattered leg. How long have I been out?"

"About a day darling." Percy looked to Holly in alarm.

"They have this old lady here. She's really cool. She just gave you a kiss and suddenly your wounds started healing!" Percy's face flushed. Kissed?

"Right..." He couldn't think of much else to say. "Uhm, Miss..."

"Aika, darling."

"Miss Aika, when am I allowed to leave then?" Percy asked.

"She may have been able to heal most of you due to your enormous amounts of stamina, but you'll still need crutches for a while. You may be discharged tomorrow." Percy thanked the nurse and she left them in peace.

"You got kissed by an old lady." Holly sniggered.

"Shut up." Percy groaned.

"So, what do you suppose we do now?" Holly asked.

"I don't know." Percy watched Holly's face fall. He added hastily, "yet. I'll figure something out. I only just woke up."

Where is Annabeth when I need her?

"Oh, also I should warn you that the local police will be-"

"Hello, are you Percy?" Tsukauchi said, unknowingly interrupting a conversation.

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