You pulled Serah out of the creature's mouth. You looked at her, covered in saliva and quickly flew away from the creature and towards the stairs near the entrance and soon landed on the ground. You cringed once more, from the added weight of your broken ankle which was excruciating, but you couldn't show any sign of weakness or pain. You look down at Serah to see she was still unconscious but covered in drool and just plain filthy, but you knew you fulfilled what you came to do.

"Such power, she defeated one of my Nomus!" Shiragiri said out of shock, "H-how did you beat my Nomu?"

"W-What...Kurogiri, don't let her escape!" Shiragiri yelled while scratching at his neck a little harder to which he drew his own blood.

You clapped your hand together and formed a symbol on the ground and raised your hand upwards causing bolts of thunder to head towards the villains, causing them to move around and getting them to struck the Nomu you immobilized, completely frying it.

"Shiragiri, we won't be able to handle her on by ourselves," Kurogiri replied, "However, it seems that she won't be a threat since she is currently focusing her efforts towards the girl, we should focus on taking All Might down before focusing our efforts on her.

You soon turned to see All Might himself in a bind, struggling to get himself out of the Nomu's grip while the Nomu squeezed its fingertips into his side, causing his wounds to open up. But Kurogiri was right, if you leave Serah to help All Might, you knew that you would be causing the same predicament to occur once more, only they would be more cautious on letting her out of her grips once again.

However, if you stay and hold her, what would happen to the symbol of peace...what would happen to him...he can't die, especially since he had a child to raise. You knew you were in a bind and it was really hard to choose what to do.


Today you wanted to take your time going home. It has been months since that night and you hadn't really returned to school as much since you found out that Toshinori was dating someone else. Teachers always wondered about what you did outside of school to which you would ignore or just walk out of the classroom.

You no longer cared for school the same way you use to. You were still shy but chose instead not to speak unless you chose to.

Right now you were enjoying the time of spring and indulging in its beauty. you looked at the trees and realized how beautiful and pink they were and how the graze the green grass ever so nicely. Sakura petals weren't really your favorite flowers but at times of spring, it was pretty hard to ignore.

You soon made your way past the beach to which you introduced Toshinori to when you both developed that training plan. Just like the day he had to kiss you, this had been your first time back since then and you were amazed by the beauty of it.

This place that was once a dump was as clean as ever. You can smell the typical mouldy seaweed that was caressing the soft sands. The sand glittered before you in the sunlight. Gone were the bright specks of umbrellas that dotted the seashore during the summertime. Gone were the sand castles and buckets and children in my neighbourhood playing happily along the shore.

"D-Did he do this?" you thought to yourself out of shock.

As soon as you turned around, what happened next you knew was never expected. Before you knew it, you locked lips with someone. your eyes widened in surprise to see Toshinori, kissing you once again out of surprise. You wanted to push him away, ask what the hell was wrong with him, but you couldn't. Your body wasn't obeying your command and wouldn't listen.

You remained in your fixed position kissing Toshinori with your eyes wide open. When we finally both needed to breathe, Toshinori pulled away.

You still couldn't comprehend what just happened and your eyes didn't release your gaze to the blond in front of you.

"Hana," Toshinori said in an alluring tone, borderline seductive.

"T-Toshinori," you started trying to get your emotions together and in a calm state, but it was proving to be difficult as you felt yourself becoming flustered once more, "What are you doing here?"

"I don't know, but I am here," Toshinori said while saying his signature line as he put his hands behind his head, looking like his casual self outside of school. Soon Toshinori started to look more serious as he gazed up at you.

"I guess I wanted to say, that I am sorry Hana, I never meant to hurt you or make you feel as if you were getting played, " Toshinori started, "That girl in our class kept begging me to go on a date with her, so I agreed that day to go on one with her."

"Do you really think it is that easy?"

"No, but I wanted to let you know the truth and that I really do have feelings for you! I don't have a girlfriend and never had one, and if I did I would prefer you to be my first and only girlfriend! I just want us to go back to what we were! I want to walk you to school again! Eat lunch with you again! Train with you again! and Walk you home once again! I want you by my side again. Please, Hana?" Toshinori pleaded with his eyes looking sad as ever, almost at the brink of crying.

The symbol of Peace before you was broken just as you were.

"Toshinori..." you began," What you did really hurt me. You can't just expect me to just accept that you agreed to go on a date with someone and then leap back into your arms...Y-You're the symbol of peace and lots of girls will through themselves on you, and then what, you're just going to agree with going out with them so they can stop bothering you?"

"No, because if you were by my side all the time, you would be the only girl in my eyes..." Toshinori said, "But I understand, that you will want time, I'll give you time, I'll wait for you to make your decision, no matter how long it takes."

This was his apology and yet it took him so long to give one to you. You can tell that even though it took him long to apologize, he really meant it. You waited so long for him to say this but you knew that your heart was broken from this. How could you trust him?

"Do you promise?" You asked, "Do you promise you will wait?"

Go beyond- (All Might/ Toshinori Yagi) Book 1 X OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें